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The Sun-God's Meadow ¤
¤ Welcome to The Golden Valley! ¤

~*You trot into a land of vivacious greenery and a small sparkling stream runs off to the left. A small breeze ruffles through your mane, and the trees sway. The plains are endless and you have a great view of everything. A few mares dot the meadow, grazing peacefully. Suddenly you hear a noise. Birds raise up in the air, startled. You look down at the mares for a reaction. But they don't even flinch, instead they continue feasting. The sound of hooves pounding against the earth finds it way to your ears. They swivel back and forth, trying to find the source of the sound. A lone Leopard-spotted Appaloosa stallion appears at the top of the hill opposite the one you're on. His tail is flagged and his neck is arched. With a toss of his head and a shrill neigh he rears, with the sun behind him, becoming silhouetted against the sky. He lands gracefully on his feet and then takes off down the hill, looking like he's racing his own shadow. You look on. Will you stay? *~

Lead Stallion: Apollo **
Lead Mare: Athena **
Back-up Mare: Mystical Song (Myst) **
Beta Mare: Heaven's Rose (Rose) **

Other Mares:
StarShip Gaze (Star) ^^
Cherry Starlight (Cherry) **
Innocence (Inty) **
Death Wish (Wish) ^^
Golden Wishes ^^
Obsessed **
Sea Breeze (Bree) ^^
Poetry ^^

Trial Mares:
Ambition (Amy) ^^

Fillies: Cherish the Moment (Cherish) ~Inty X ?~ **
Music of the Stars (Muse/Music) ^^ ~Star X Apollo~
Sun's Mythical Song (Myth) ** ~Myst X Apollo~
The Moon's Obsessive Rays (Moon/Moonbeam) ** ~Obsessed X Apollo~

Phantom Rebel (Rebs) ** ~Cherry X Apollo~
Dilemma (Dil) ^^ ~Golden Wishes X Apollo~
Snapshot ^^ ~Death Wish X Apollo~
Sun Ray (Ray) ^^ ~Ambition X Apollo~

Activeness marks:
** Active
?? Where are you?
^^ excused inactiveness
?? also unexcused inactiveness

Updated Tue. Mar. 18, 2003

Wow... its been a while since I updated... well... lol. Activeness Check ended Saturday, and everyone who didn't respond to it was deleted. If you play a deleted charracter, and want put back up on the board again, just post down below saying such. Ugh, sorry about my inactiveness... I know its been bad these past weeks, but as summer grows closer I'm hoping to fix that. It's just that with Sea Breeze, writing, school and what not its hard to manage my time, but I'll stop being lazy now and post for once, lol. Aye, well... I'd like to say my fond farewells to Rebs, Moon, and Myth who will be/have leaving/left. *waves sadly* Ta ta you guys. Hrrm... can't seem to think of anything else to say really, ccept, bye!! And Stay active... me included on that one. :-D

Foal's Play Area



Back to Diamond Heights

Subject Author Date Msgs
African grey for sale exoticparrotsfarm 12:42:39 06/20/22 Mon 1
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§No Limits§CHALLENGE Buck Wild 17:22:25 05/16/03 Fri 1
Apollo!! Sheriff 17:37:24 05/11/03 Sun 1
:.:Whinnies:.: Blue Love 14:43:02 04/26/03 Sat 6
§Fun Times§ Sheriff 16:35:43 04/11/03 Fri 12
dark warriors needed playa 13:36:16 04/25/03 Fri 1
~Be Careful What YOu Wish For~
~Take A Picture, It Lasts Longer~
Death Wish & Snapshot 13:45:04 04/20/03 Sun 1
Nickers...... Blue Love 13:53:59 04/03/03 Thu 11
APOLLO - B-A-B-Y CHERYY AND CONNY 11:35:09 04/18/03 Fri 1
APOLLO - B-A-B-Y CHERYY AND CONNY 11:34:33 04/18/03 Fri 1
|| Think before you act || cherry and conequences 13:16:41 04/15/03 Tue 1
/\shuffle the deck/\ Ace of Spades 05:37:30 04/07/03 Mon 1
APOLLO!! Sweet Revenge 21:03:55 03/24/03 Mon 5
+ return + cherry 11:00:20 03/29/03 Sat 6
§Prances around the pasture§ Rose 16:01:10 03/21/03 Fri 6
<^>Ambtions of the Soul<^> <^>Sun God's Son<^> Amy and Ray 12:30:16 03/20/03 Thu 4
++ never leave ++ (( yea rebs has gotta go now :-( )) cherry and rebs 10:54:14 03/18/03 Tue 10
<^>Ambtions of the Soul<^> <^>Sun God's Son<^> Amy and Ray 12:28:52 03/20/03 Thu 1
Ickies... Death Wish's Player 16:39:40 03/18/03 Tue 2
-:- a lone rebel -:- (gaze and apollo) rebs 10:50:58 03/04/03 Tue 18
¢candy is sweet, but revenge is sweeter¢ Allience Sweet Revenge 21:27:27 03/17/03 Mon 1
ENTERS THE PASTURE Dark Angel 07:40:00 03/09/03 Sun 11
ACTIVNESS CHECK!!! PLZ RESPOND!!! Any one who doesn't will be deleted from the herd, until you inform me that you are here, so plz respond. Apollo and mandy 17:16:17 03/04/03 Tue 12
We will be inactive do to to projects amy and Ray 13:05:26 03/11/03 Tue 2
|*Hear the Mythical Song of the Sun*| Myth 19:17:49 03/07/03 Fri 6
** Even in Darkness there is Light ** (Leaving) Moonbeam 12:38:53 03/09/03 Sun 1
ACTIVNESS CHECK!!! PLZ RESPOND!!! Any one who doesm Apollo and mandy 17:11:55 03/04/03 Tue 1
Aging Moonbeam 14:00:23 02/10/03 Mon 12
§Mare wanders around, looking for someone to talk to§ Rose 14:01:37 03/03/03 Mon 1
¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤ Apollo 11:15:16 02/23/03 Sun 14
A Tip From An Old Friend The Masked Mare 13:52:52 02/26/03 Wed 2
+you must die+ +Deadly Secrets+ (Death) 12:47:32 02/21/03 Fri 9
Ambition of the heart ambition and ray 15:35:25 02/12/03 Wed 14
¢candy is sweet, but revenge is sweeter¢ Sweet Revenge 16:18:09 02/22/03 Sat 6
..:Still Smokin':.. Gunner 16:52:20 02/08/03 Sat 55
•love that goes beyond all fears• Obsessed 12:46:53 02/03/03 Mon 22
Hey all, I'm gonna take a short leave of absence, though I may periodically check this board, I'm swamped with making boards for rpg and school stuff at the current moment, And not really posting till Gunner and Apollo finish the challenge.... which seems to be taking ages. So, yeah, I'll still be around, just not as much, Sorry, I promise I'll get it all sorted out. *hugs* (NT) Mandy 22:47:05 02/21/03 Fri 1
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