Subject: |~Mystical songs on Twilight's Breeze~| |
Author: Mystic
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Date Posted: 18:56:38 02/13/03 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤" on 18:04:47 02/13/03 Thu
|~She jumps out of the way, seeing the bucks flying her way, and just barely gets nicked a couple times on her shoulder, making her rage even greater. She was now a fighting machine powered and fed by anger and rage, and the lust to kill. She was deaf to the words or actions of any, and all she could think of was death to the bachelor. Charging straight past anyone who might be in her way she lunges again, trying her hardest not to, but now she had no controll over herself. She was possesed by the evilness that lurked way down inside her, and had no controll over her actions. She lunges at him again, vicious beyond compare, but suddenly she manages to veer off to the side just before striking a possibly fatal blow, though how she did it she isn't sure, but then she finds herself viciously charging again. She snorts, trying to regain controll of herself, trying not to lunge, figting it feircely, but this time she can't veer off to the side. She can't stop herself, try and fight though she may, and finds herself almost upon him, teeth bared, though she continues fighting, it doesn't seem to be doing much good...~|
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