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Subject: ..:..Still Smokin'..:..

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Date Posted: 07:17:51 02/23/03 Sun
In reply to: Apollo 's message, "¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤" on 00:59:42 02/23/03 Sun

((Actually lol I think I want to quit this char, I have a lot going on with others... but I don't want him dead so here I'm making an injury...))

..:.. The grey rears up as well and instead of hiting his foreleggs he hits his cest a few times and a large strike sends a sheirek from his lungs. It was a 2 foot long, and very deep cut in his neck, he falls to his knees slowly, his will to fight was nearly gone, it had been a good fight but not worth the pain they both were experiencing. He looks at Apollo a moment before rising to his feet... this was what he had decided..:.. I am no weakling, I will be back ready to fight later, I will take this herd i garentee you...,/I> ..:..he snorts looking at his side, smeared blood dries upon the sleek grey...:.. i will be back. ..:..He slowly and stiffly walks back to the Bachlor herd, he was going to rethink this, but he knew one day he would infact rule Apollo's lands. He stands on a hilltop that over looks it and snorts fiercely..:.. until a later day... ..:..He speaks soft and continues walking..:..

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