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Subject: |~Mystical Songs on Twilight's Breeze~||*Hear the Mythical Song of the Sun*|

Mystic and Myth
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Date Posted: 20:35:31 02/25/03 Tue
In reply to: Athena 's message, "An Ancient Beauty" on 19:33:58 02/24/03 Mon

|~She snorts softly and continues licking the wounds, trying to clean them so they don't get infected.~| Stay still, Apollo. What you need is rest. And these are no scratches. These are serious wounds. Just lie still and let me clean them or they'll get infected and then you'll really be in for it. |~She says in a strict tone, acting as she would with one of her foals.~|

|*She canters up, looking for her mother. Finnaly she spots her and some other mares clustered around her bloody father. With a worried whinney she bursts forward at full speed, skiding to a stop near them.*| Daddy! What happened? Are you okay? |*She asks worriedly, not used to seeing her father in such a sorry state.*|

[[jeez Myth is growing fast... she's gotta be what, 1 1/2 yrs. old by now? lol]]

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