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Date Posted: 19:34:00 03/09/03 Sun
*he nuzzled her back, fighting back the wave of emotion surging through him. He nickered softly, messing up her mane for a moment.* I know it is, *he said softly. He racks his brain, searching for a stallion in his mind, worthy enough of Myth. But the only thing he could thing of was not Hollywood. He sighs.* I don't suppose I have any suggestions, though one of the allies would be nice, that way I might be able to visit without a challenge to my authority. But, I suppose if you're drawn to the enemy such as you're sister, I'll not interfer. But do come visit your mother and I often, we'll miss you. *he whickers softly to her.* Good luck, *he whispers to her.* May happiness come in whatever you encounter. *he says to her, smiling, though sadly. He gives a neigh to Myst, wondering if she might have some farwell adivce for their now mare.*
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