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Subject: ++ never leave ++ (( yea rebs has gotta go now :-( ))

cherry and rebs
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Date Posted: 10:54:14 03/18/03 Tue

* she walked over to her son. she stood awardly (spl?) in front of him and said quietly * Rebs, i'm afraid it's time for you to leave apollo's herd now and go and live as a bacholor *she felt her eyes sting with tears. this was the day she dreaded. she desperatly wanted Rebs to go quickly...she want apollo to see her this way, because she had promised to let rebs go, but she couldn't, he was her , only so far, son. she leaned forwards and nudged his rump. asking him to go*

* he listened to her words. he frowned at what she said. he had to leave. he didn't want 2 go, he had it all, a great home, golden vally, a lovely filly (or mare whatever), Gaze, and he loved his mother more than anything, he couldn't up and leave her. he felt, even with apollo around, he need to protect her and look after her. he cocked his head. he felt her nudge and looked over at her, she seemed distressed, he wouldn't leave while his mother was so upset. he swung around and nuzzled her emotionally*

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 18:43:37 03/18/03 Tue

*he trotted over to the couple, a sad whicker escaping his larynx. He nuzzled Cherry reassurringly, then turned towards Reb, and nuzzled him as well.*
'Tis a moment of sorrow in these lands, *he says.* I wish you could stay as well, but know that you must be on your way. You're welcome here when you please, be it merely passing through, or to say greetings. Your mother and I will miss you terribly. Good luck to you, Rebs. May your path be wide and clear for you, with many a friends, and a steardy trail to follow. *With that he stops and nickers quietly, hanging back by Cherry trying to comfort her.*

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[> Subject: +come into the light+

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Date Posted: 05:52:19 03/19/03 Wed

+she walked up to them and nuzzled Rebs+

Dont worry, I will come with you, where ever you go, and my friend here can watch over your mother. I know it's hard, but it is part of life.

+she thinks sadly back to her mother and father, and how she would miss them, but they would be ok and she and Rebs would be together+

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[> [> Subject: ++ never leave ++

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Date Posted: 11:54:54 03/20/03 Thu

* he nodded sadly to father * and i hope just the same father *he turned sadly to his mother* i will always return to see you. i promise. *he nuzzled he then walked over to Gaze* Gaze you must saty with your family, you're not old enought to come with me. you're still a filly *he nuzzled her sadly, he never wanted to go away from all the warmth, comfort and love.* when you are old enought we will have a foal together i promise. but until then *he's eyes glistened with sadness. he wanted to have a faol with her right now. he smiled lovingly at this mare/filly of whom he loved so much*

* she nuzzled him back and watched him talk to gaze. she put her head and apollo's shoulder and cried silently. she wanted like hell to rush after him and keep him asfe...but knew she couldn't. she burried her face deeper into apollos fur. so sad to see her baby leaveing at last. she raised her head and whispered to apollo* i never wanted to see him go *she shook her head* i must go some where...i'll be back soon...i promise *she nuzzles him. then walks over to rebs and nuzzle him* i'll see you soon baby *she smiled at her 'foal'. then left*

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[> Subject: +come into the light+

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Date Posted: 06:25:52 03/22/03 Sat

+she shakes her head, tears forming at the tips of her eyes+

No, I have already asked and Daddy said that if I wanted to leave to be with you that he would back me up. And thats what I want to do. I'm coming with you.

+she was stubborn, that is the only trait she had gotten from her real mother, Suicide+

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[> [> Subject: ++ never leave ++

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Date Posted: 05:35:51 03/23/03 Sun

* he nodded meakly and cantered away to the open meadow *

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[> Subject: ((ummmm, id meet u there but my computer doesnt let me get to the open meadow))

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Date Posted: 13:32:32 03/23/03 Sun

((just so you know))

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[> [> Subject: er, meet in torubles herd then? yea go 2 troubles herd...

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Date Posted: 10:54:31 03/24/03 Mon

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[> Subject: ((ok, be there))

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Date Posted: 12:23:41 03/24/03 Mon

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[> Subject: ¤ The Sun-God's Wraith ¤

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Date Posted: 19:36:52 03/24/03 Mon

*he watched her go, remembering the last time she had left, how much she had despised him.* Me either, *he whispers softly to no one in particular, for no one was around now. He sighed slightly, and trotted off.*

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