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Subject: Magic FM fined for playing EDITED song!

courtesy AP
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Date Posted: 15:14:05 06/07/01 Thu

Radio Station Fined for Airing Eminem

.c The Associated Press

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - A Colorado Springs radio station is facing a $7,000 fine for repeatedly airing an edited but still racy version of rap singer Eminem's ``The Real Slim Shady.''

KKMG-FM officials said Tuesday the station has not paid the fine and is considering what to do. They have 30 days to respond to the Federal Communications Commission complaint.

KKMG operations manager Bobby Irwin said the edited version was not indecent but the station quit broadcasting it after getting the FCC's notice June 1.

A Madison, Wis., radio station paid a $7,000 fine earlier this year after it played the unedited version of the song.

The FCC said last week the edited version aired by the Colorado Springs' station ``contains unmistakable offensive sexual references.''

The ruling is worrisome to some radio station workers because the Eminem track was broadcast nationwide during the spring and summer of 2000.

``Virtually every pop, Top-40 station played that song,'' said Cat Collins, program director for Denver's KQKS-FM. ``That was a No. 1 record. It was the kind of record that stations played 65 to 70 times a week.''

A KKMG listener filed the indecency complaint in July 2000.

The FCC ruled the station played a version of the tune that was indecent and still had some expletives, as well as innuendoes to violent misogyny and graphic sex. The lyrics contain references intended to pander and shock, the FCC said.

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