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Subject: Re: DenverRadio.net Is For Sale!

Phil Henry
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Date Posted: 10:06:48 01/03/02 Thu
In reply to: Doug 's message, "DenverRadio.net Is For Sale!" on 09:42:57 07/30/01 Mon

Rob, I am sorry to hear you need to sell your site. I lack the knowledge to maintain your site or I might consider it. I wonder if you would know what happened to www.internetradiolist.com It is gone and links to another site. Prior to its vanishing, there was info on the site which explained the communications act of 96 and how to start an internet station. It was also our Number one referrer. I question that disappearance. Was it a concerted effort by the monopoly Broadcasters to once again stifle Any competition no matter how small? If I remember correctly you did an article on our stations, which we really appreciated. I don't find any links to internet stations. Is there a reason? I don't know why Anti-Trust Laws don't apply now. Well I really do, paid off politicians and law makers. We only have 6 or so Airlines, about the same number of Broadcasters own All the Major Market Stations. Does Anyone see a Danger in these Monopolies? I would appreciate your response. Thanks, Phil Henry.

Mountain Community Radio and TV Networks: Broadcasting CH.11 EGRN TV and 93.7 FM EGRN Plus 88.1 EGMC EverGreen Mountain Country, Evergreen, Co. and 88.1 FM CNFR Conifer,Co. 93.7FM KTRG Kittredge. Co. Internet Live TV & Radio www.egrn937fm.com QUAZAR BROADBAND WIRELESS 303 674 5505 TOLL FREE 1 877 44 RADIO(72346)

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