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Subject: Re: Former KHOW host Tom Kamb leaves KLIF/Dallas

Russell Miles
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Date Posted: 15:32:58 02/20/02 Wed
In reply to: barry haatvedta 's message, "Re: Former KHOW host Tom Kamb leaves KLIF/Dallas" on 04:49:23 02/13/02 Wed

Perhaps the only man who ever had the balls to tell the truth about Dallas on the radio... sorry to see him go. But then again,, maybe Dallas didn't deserve him anyhow. Interesting to see how Terrell Bolton and Ron Kirk are forbidden topics on Dallas talk radio now. well soon Kirk will be doing his song and dance in Washington DC and Bolton will most likely be spending a lot more time at those titty bars that he tells his officers to leave alone...
>Kamb Exits KLIF for Personal Reasons (courtesy
>>Talkradio 570 KLIF announced today that afternoon
>>personality Tom Kamb is no longer part of the KLIF
>>Kamb has been with the station since November 2000.
>>Lon Bason, VP/General Manager of Talkradio 570 KLIF
>>stated; "Tom is a very talented talk show host with a
>>great future in our business, but due to personal
>>issues the time is not right for Tom to continue with
>>Regarding those "personal issues", Tom Kamb said;
>>"I?ve had a personal tragedy in my life, this year,
>>unlike anything I?ve ever experienced. That tragedy
>>has created a need for me to return home and deal with
>>the grieving process. Furthermore, the stress and
>>anxiety associated with this event has made it
>>impossible for me to consistently perform a daily talk
>>Talkradio 570 KLIF Program Director Jeff Hillery
>>brought Kamb to Texas last year; "Tom has the
>>showmanship and talent that epitomizes great talk
>>radio and we were proud to have him on our team.
>>Unfortunately he has things in his life now that are
>>much more important than a talk show. We wish him
>>great happiness in his future." Jeff said.
>>"Susquehanna Radio Corporation, Lon Bason and Jeff
>>Hillery were terrific to me," Kamb added. "If anybody
>>thinks they didn?t support my style of talk radio,
>>they are mistaken. These guys gave me a platform to be
>>Tom Kamb every afternoon and I?m grateful for that."

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Subject Author Date
Re: Former KHOW host Tom Kamb leaves KLIF/DallasKevin Whitley20:55:48 10/24/02 Thu

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