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Subject: KOA jackasses worked to get Howard Stern off the air in Denver

Lu Cifer, webmaster of www.HowardSternTV.net
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Date Posted: 07:55:42 03/09/01 Fri

from Westword (Denver) March 8, 2001, Watch Your Mouth--Two local radio personalities get scorched by their own words, By Michael Roberts

...And what about KOA? Its staffers went out of their way to attack Howard Stern for tossing out an ill-considered Columbine aside right after the shootings -- and their efforts both behind the mike and behind the scenes are a big part of the reason that Stern was eventually ridden out of town.


Well well well, this backs up everything we all already knew anyways. Like Stern or not, this country has this thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH and it's retarded when a fellow broadcaster essencially shoots themself in the dick by not supporting the RIGHT that keeps them in business. But that's ok, America has always been run by FASCITS so I guess this is acceptable huh? "Here Johnny, here's your gun and your bible, now you run along and have fun. Just don't listen to Howard Stern, Marilyn Manson or whatever...even though those assholes who killed people at Collumbine weren't goths, they were hommie-G's just dressing in trench coats, and it worked beautifully! Framed those evil heathens real good!"

I wonder if these twits at KOA will find a way to railroad the great talent Phil Hendrie off the airwaves of Denver too, since he might, GOD FORBID, say something controvercial that these trolls would take out of context?!?! What is it with America?! Sick...just sick. And UNACCEPTABLE.

Lu Cifer

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