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Subject: Tom Tancredo

Brenda Warner
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Date Posted: 20:17:37 11/02/02 Sat

I am writing in Tom Tancredo's name for the US Colorado Senate Because:

Tom Tancredo wants to reform the INS and send help to our Border Patrol, and secrure our Borders and Shores. He want illegal's deported. He wants a better Colorado, and a better America.
1. Mexican Army and Police cross our Borders and fire shots at our Border patrol
2. How our Government won't let our Border Patrol use M-4s (a shorter version of the M-16 assault rifle) so that They can be adequately armed to repel these incursions and attacks on our national security, and their lives.
3. How Congressman Tancredo collected 25,000 names on a petetion to put Military at our Borders and refrom immigration and INS, and President Bush refused to even look at them, in other wards, he snubbed the American People.
4. How Middle Eastern, Chinamen, and Mexicans are flowing over our borders like wild fire.
5. How the Mexican are invading the Inreluctant to crack down – a phenomenon he called "despicable, irresponsible, irrational, and a death wish for the nation."
7.Tohono O'Odham police officials also say at least 1,500 illegals a day are passing through their nation – many with drugs. And they said their officers, like Border Patrol agents, also are being "chased" by Mexican soldiers and police.

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