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Really good potboiler about a George Clooney's title character, a man who cleans up PR nightmares for his legal firm's big wig clients. After a class action lawsuit threatens a major chemical company, an off-his-nut whistle blower (Tom Wilkinson) ends up a hunted man and Clayton may be right behind him. That's about all I can say about this very intricate plot without giving quite a bit away. This may be Clooney's best bit of acting thus far. His character is quiet and withdrawn and he plays the majority of the film in his face. I think he's shaping up to be one of our finest actors. I know many would disagree but, well, this is my review so kiss my ass. Really excellent, tense film.
There Will Be Blood
YOU'RE A BASTARD IN A BASKET! I'VE ABANDONED MY BOY! I found myself giddy listening to Daniel Day-Lewis growl and scream his way through this frightening movie about a Dust Bowl era oilman who's looking to acquire as much oil infested land as he can in California to ultimately run a pipeline to the ocean. This will score him a massive pay day and he can retire and get away from the thing that he hates the worst: people. He's summoned to a town where the oil is seeping out of the ground. But along the way he runs into an egotistical, opportunistic faith healer played by the always satisfying Paul Dano, who tries to sabotage him at every turn (possibly though God, but doubtful) due to Lewis reneging on a $5,000 payment to Dano's church (sort of a finder's fee). Their scenes together are riveting. Lewis won the Oscar for a reason on this one. He chews up the scenery and spits it in your face. Don't miss this one. I'M FINISHED!
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Brad Pitt will absolutely make you squirm as the time bomb, Jesse James, the most infamous bank and train robber in history. The film begins in the twilight of James' career. He puts together his final version of The James Gang but the gang members begin to see bigger fortunes in capturing or killing James than by grand theft as there is a hefty reward for his capture. Once James gets wind of these notions, he begins to pick off his gang. Robert Ford (played by the increasingly surprising and excellent Casey Affleck) is a member of the gang who has worshiped James his entire 20 year existence. His envy overtakes him and realizing that his name could be bigger than James' by taking him down, Ford begins his plot for assassination. Pitt's steely eyed glare at his opponents as he mentally breaks them down will haunt you. I was constantly slumping in my seat saying "Oh shit! Oh man! Just kill them already!" Pitt's another guy who's doing exactly what he wants right now and he's doing great work. Great acting across the board here. All of the supporting actors are top notch, including Affleck and Sam Rockwell. This is another one to add to your list.
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