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Date Posted: 14:22:59 10/08/03 Wed
Author: SephirothsAngel
Subject: What is courage?
In reply to: Shadow 's message, "Meaning of "Greed": Fox television" on 08:50:13 04/28/03 Mon

What is courage? I think this question needs to be asked when discussing Michael Jackson. Some believe that those who fight in fierce battles have courage, but others think that merely standing up for what you believe in, and showing it to the rest of the world shows most courage of all. Especially for someone who is constantly in the public eye, like for example – Michael Jackson.
Instead of trying to hide in the shadows, Michael Jackson has practically broadcast what he thinks and feels about his life. It is well known that Michael Jackson loves children, but yet, as soon as a documentary airs showing him holding hands and displaying his love to a 12-year-old boy, everyone gasps in shock? There doesn’t have to be anything sexual in a loving relationship. Parents love their children, and children love their parents. Can’t this love be shared with other children, and not just your own? That is the message that Michael Jackson is trying to get across.
When examining another person, you must examine yourself to the same extent. For example: A close friend of yours has a young male son. You love him dearly, and feel that is like your own child. He asks to sleep in the same room as you one night, and you have a very enjoyable time talking about his interests. You return the child safely to his parents, and they bombard you with sexual accusations. How would you feel? Surprised? Shocked? Betrayed? I truly feel that Michael Jackson feels the same way you would at that point…betrayed by the rest of the world. He holds only love for everyone, but they still throw abuse at him and mock him. His fame is making him re-live his abusive childhood, and no one can see it.
Michael Jackson is the father of three children. Prince Michael, Paris, and Price Michael the 2nd. It is strange that someone who loves children so dearly can be thought of as an inadequate father.

A small quote from The Independent:
”The ‘vibrating knee’ movement was a worry to even Michael’s staunchest supporters”

Why was this a worry to so many people? ‘Vibrating’ his knee was used simply to calm his baby down - to relax it. The most important thing is that it stopped a child from crying. If you were comparing Michael to the “normal” parent, you would find that they, too, would do any sort of strange thing if it stopped their child from crying. I know of a parent who took their baby out for a drive and it fell asleep in the car. The parent didn’t want to remove the baby from the car in case it woke up when he picked it up, so he left it in the car to sleep over night. I doubt it is even possible to image the abuse Michael would receive for doing something like that, when simply moving his knee is splashed over the newspapers. As for the shawl over the baby’s face, it was a precaution. Above all else, Michael does not want the faces of his children to be all over the newspapers and magazines.
This brings me onto another point on Michael – the masks. He insists that his eldest children, Paris and Price, wear masks on all public trips. This dates back to when Michael was taunted for his own face and appearance. He feels his children deserve better than to be scrutinized by the press at all times, because of their faces. They are children, and don’t deserve that. Michael should know. Not only did he have to live with the entire world being disgusted by his tiny flaws, but even his own family didn’t know when to stop. His father used to jeer at him, saying things like “Look at your nose, look how big it is. You didn’t get that from my side of the family.” By making sure his own children wear masks, he is ensuring that they will never have to suffer the same torment. The masks are protection from the world. Protection Michael never had.
Many people choose to believe that Michael Jackson is a paedophile. This is completely untrue. The only thing Michael does that may lead people to believe this is his unusually caring attitude towards children. Unfortunately for him, Michael never managed to live out a real childhood himself, as he was famous from around the age of eight when he was the lead singer in the Jackson Five. He never got the chance to make any real childhood friends, and so, his it making up for it now. If you were to see two young children holding hands, or resting their heads on the other’s shoulders, the chance that anything sexual was going on would not even flutter through your mind. Michael Jackson is naïve. He thinks of himself as a child, and it is true that he retains many child-like features, innocence being one of them. Hence, when Michael Jackson holds hands with a young child, he sees absolutely nothing wrong with it, just as another young child would.
Just to reinforce my previous point, that Michael Jackson wants nothing sexual to do with the children he knows – Michael is scared of anything sexual in general. In the documentary “Living With Michael Jackson” he tells Martin Bashir that when one of his girlfriends invited him over to partake in some sort of sexual activity, as soon as she attempted to unbutton his shirt, he covered his face in his hands. He mentions that the only feeling he had was fear, and that he wasn’t tempted in the slightest. Surely this only goes on to prove that Michael would not be interesting in anything other than friendship from his young friends. If people choose to believe he is lying about this, why do they believe anything else he says? Wouldn’t they question the abuse Michael received as well?
I truly think that Michael Jackson is a loving, caring man. He has no sexual interest in the children he associates himself with, and the so called “weird” things that he does are only thoughtful and a little out of the ordinary. Some may still have nagging doubts that Michael is not “all there.” But still, if you lived Michael Jackson’s life, would you have the courage to put forward your slightly obscure ideas into the public eye?

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