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Date Posted: 11:58:02 08/04/01 Sat
Author: Skittlefairy
Subject: Sezma ch 7
In reply to: skittlefairy 's message, "ch-5 revision & chapter 6" on 12:45:01 07/25/01 Wed

Nonago pulled Sezma aside, and asked if her and Deiko were still together. Sezma shook her head and Nonago hugged her. “Ewwwww! What in the hell are you doing! Why?!?!?!” Sezma screamed. “I knew you were okay! Just testing you!” Nonago giggled. “Lets go out to eat Sezma, the guys can stay here.”
Later they ended up at a booth in Taco Hell, the restaurant south of the border. They ordered two flaming nacho’s from the pit of Satan’s belly and Nonago was talking to Sezma with such glee. Then a waitress walked by.
She was very beautiful, blonde and curvy, She had on a whorish little ensemble with fishnets and daisy dukes, not to mention cheap little flashy devil horns like the kind you can buy at the 93-cent store!
“Hey baby, wanna come over to my place later?” Nonago asked the waitress and grabbed her ass. Nonago did this fairly often so Sezma just watched her work her “Magic”. The waitress looked very disgruntled as Nonago whistled at her and looked down her shirt.
The next time she walked by Nonago grabbed her. Nonago threw her on the table and straddled the woman as she hovered over looking into her face.
“What?!?! Am I not pretty? I’m ugly! I’m ugly! I’m so very ugly!” Nonago screamed with tears running down her cheeks. “The ugliness, you cause my pain by not looking through the ugliness! Pain! Like a fork in the eye!” And she stabbed the waitress in the eye with a fork. And as the waitress lay dying on the table Nonago leaned down and kissed her, “Fair thee well dead body.”
“I suppose it was better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all…” Nonago sighed as the two girls left the restaurant. “Yes. It is better to have forked an eye, and never have gotten our orders at all,” Sezma told her. Nonago giggled and they went back to her house.
Nonago let Sezma move in with her, now that she had no parents, and life was good. Until one day on Main Street…
Sezma, Nonago, Deiko and Ghost were walking around downtown, on Main Street. They tired of the mall and longed for different prey. That’s when they saw him, Nonago’s ex-boyfriend, The Un-named. Nonago’s eyes burned a deep red and Sezma felt an immense amount of hatred toward this waste of a human skin-bag. Ghost and Deiko sat along the edge of a wall looking giddy, knowing the fun was about to start.
Nonago stood stiff, contemplating the situation. He was walking right to her, so easy for the attack. Sezma lunged at him from behind and threw him at Nonago. Her hand ripped through his chest and she yanked out his heart.
“You won’t be needing this,” Nonago whispered at the fresh corpse. She threw the heart to a nearby dog that seemed to love the treat and ate it whole-heartily (no pun intended).
They the decided to head over to the cemetery, which was near Nonago’s house. Just as they tired of the mall, they tired of their usual hangouts. The cemetery seemed to call to them; with its huge headstones and newly turned dirt, which enclosed yet another of the hundreds of filled coffin’s into the ground for the rest of eternity.
In the center of the cemetery was a huge willow tree, which they all climbed into. They made spooky noises until all the visitors got freaked out and left. Then they dropped down and sat at the base of the tree.
“Ah, how silent the dead are today…” Sezma said with a relaxing voice. She felt so calm, unlike her usual mode of anarchy and the need to kill kill kill!!!! She eyed Deiko, who was now asleep. Had she really once loved that face, that body, that attitude, any of him at all? No, love was an evil word, just wrong, so very…
“Sezma! Help me!” Ghost screamed with anxiety in his tone. Nonago had tackled him and was playfully trying to choke him. Sezma pulled Nonago off him and she grinned. Deiko had slept through the whole thing; annoyingly she had known he would. That’s when she decided; she had never loved anyone, and never would.
Sezma suddenly screamed,”Oh Oh! I think I killed this one!” She was pointing at a tombstone and Nonago nodded in admiration. Ghost stuck out his tongue. Nonago grabbed it and yanked as Sezma giggled in delight.
A few days later, the usual group of Sezma and her pals were walking around near Taco Hell and Deiko bought some nachos. He was eating them outside with all of them as they sat on a curb and a white guy with a buzz cut walked by.
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! You guys are poser Goths! Eating nachos? That is such an ungothic food!” The dork shouted at them. Sezma got up and Nonago started to, but Sezma gave her a look and said, “I’ll handle it.”
“Ungothic, eh? Well well, you can fuck off. You don’t know shit about Goths, and the fact that were accepting and respecting the darker things in life and are envious of the dead and those that we have killed, makes us gothic. Now you will see that I am, even though you will be the first dead body I will never envy…” Sezma told him. Then she smashed his head into the wall of Taco Hell.
Ghost started to laugh and Deiko dropped his nachos. “Ugh! Stop laughing! What is with you? You show to much emotion, it’s sickening!” Deiko yelled at him.
Ghost’s smiled turned into the darkest sneer he could have mustered. Then he leapt on Deiko and tore him limb from limb with a knife. He backed away from the dead body and Nonago approached him cautiously. He looked tense, but then she gave him a hug. His energy drained and with a deep breath he dropped the knife.
Then they remembered Sezma and turned to face her, dropping the embrace. Her face looked scrunched up, and tears were about to fall out of her eyes…her first experience crying. Then she spoke, “Oh well, at least it wasn’t me.” Her face relaxed and they kept walking, past the two fresh corpses.
A few days later they were hanging out in the square, a small grassy area on Main and Canal. A gangster type guy walked by and flipped a gang symbol at them.
“What up G? Yo Yo Yo!” Nonago asked him with a funny voice. “Are you down with this? Shoot me I dare ya! What up now home skillet?” Sezma told him with a grin.
Then he pulled out a gun and shot her. Ghost sighed and killed the stupid man. Sezma lay on the ground with a hole in her head where her left eye used to be. “Wow, I can see through her head! Look Ghost, Look!” Nonago giggled as they propped her up and waved to each other through the hole in her head. Then it began to heal…
“Wha-!?!?” Nonago whispered. Then Sezma had a normal head again, and was alive. “Wow, that stung,” She said.
“I wanna try!” Ghost shouted and slit his throat. It healed in seconds. They marveled at their healing glory. “Lets go to the mall!” Nonago shouted and so they went.

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