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Date Posted: 04:14:47 06/09/08 Mon
Author: bad guy
Subject: bad guy

It’s 4:10 a.m. I’m lying here unable to sleep because of a woman. You could say that I am an idiot, and I wouldn’t argue that point. Almost one year ago I left what most men would consider the perfect woman. Why? Now that I think about it I really don’t know. I could give you some bullshit answer, which would be similar to what I gave her. For example, I was afraid of the commitment, and afraid of settling down. Or how about this, I was joining the military and didn’t want her to have to wait for me. It wouldn’t matter what my excuse was the truth is that I fucked up.
I remember the way I made her feel after I left her. It came out of nowhere she didn’t even see it coming. One day we were fine, and the next day she was crying in my arms. I just sat there emotionless, holding her, waiting for her to leave. It’s fine you can hate me now I am the bad guy in this story. But in every story the bad guy always loses, and in this story its no different. Karma’s a bitch it always catches you one way or another, and it certainly catches me.
Let me introduce myself, my name is not important, but I’m an airman in the United States Air Force. I am currently on leave and visiting my brother. I’ll be leaving here soon, and will be stationed in Italy. I’ll be going to one of the most romantic countries in the world with a heavy heart. I could be going with the woman I loved, but unfortunately I’m not.
She was the perfect woman. I’ve told her this many times, but she wouldn’t ever believe. She is a caring woman, very intelligent, sexy, and honest. She doesn’t smoke or drink, which I do both. The only problem I had with her was the communications between us was difficult. On the phone I would be the one talking, asking her questions about her day. She would answer, but her opinions she would keep to herself. This would drive me crazy. The only time I could ever get her to open up to me was in the bedroom. I’m not talking about the sex, but just laying there beside me holding each other. I guess she felt secure this way.
A month after we were seperated weagreed to meet and talk. She had some questions for me and needed some closure. Get this, another bad guy move, I suggested we meet for cofee at the same place we had our first date. Yea, pretty shitty move don’t you think. I didn’t even realize this until she brought it up. We sat on the tailgate of my truck after the coffee. She cried and asked questions for the most part. I just sat with my cold exterior making her feel worse. She was trying to figure why I did what I did, and all I could think about was leaving.
Five months after I left her I entered Basic Military Training. I went in with the mindset that no matter what happened there I wouldn’t let anything change the person that I am. I succeded in this for the most part, but on the nights when I was lying in my bunk trying to get my 4 hrs of sleep, if I was lucky to get that, for some reason all I could think about was her. I made it through the six weeks, and after that I was fine again. But one night while I was stationed at Sheppard AFB Texas, for my technical trainig, she sent me a text asking how things were. I had pretty much suppressed all the emotions I should have had, for all the shame I should have felt for what I did, I had suppressed it away. But that night it all hit me at once. She probably knew I was having a hard time, but she’s the kind of person who cares enough to make sure I was doing fine even after what I did to her.
It is now 5:37 a.m. I can see the sunlight shining in through the window. I’m tired of writing this story I don’t even know why I did. This is the rough draft I don’t think I’ll even try to rewrite. I hope you weren’t expecting a great story when you were reading this. Sorry I wasted your time.

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