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Subject: Re: test out the nature vs. nurture debate

Dr. G
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Date Posted: 15:58:06 02/08/01 Thu
In reply to: Alisa Myles 's message, "Re: test out the nature vs. nurture debate" on 08:12:48 02/08/01 Thu

>>>In a previous job, I worked with a girl named Emma
>who was mute. She hadn't spoken a word outside her
>house since the time her and her family had immigrated
>from Mexico a couple years earlier. She got along well
>with the other children, but did not utter a word both
>in school or in her Spanish speaking neighborhood. The
>other kids just accepted that "Emma doesn't talk." Her
>silience went on for years. Psychologists were
>employed through her school. They were slow to
>discovered that in fact her father went silient
>shortly after the family's arrival in the States.
>Chalk another one up for nurture. This modeled
>behavior must have come to Emma a critical time in her
>development and I think is a good illustration (if not
>a bit extreem) what a profound effect our parents can
>have on us.
WOW! great posting!!!!! how did Emma turn out? any idea?

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Subject Author Date
Re: test out the nature vs. nurture debateAlisa Myles07:51:03 02/09/01 Fri

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