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Subject: Re: Response to Caveman Theory

Paul Connolly
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Date Posted: 12:58:03 02/19/01 Mon
In reply to: Dr. G 's message, "Re: Response to Caveman Theory" on 14:51:38 02/16/01 Fri

>>I've seen a similar theory applied to man's desire to
>>control the remote control for the TV. This was also
>>done in a comedy venue, but I thought it funny. This
>>particular comedian was talking about how man is
>>programmed to go forth and hunt - to make the kill.
>>But with the progress of our modernity, society has
>>deprived him of a way to fulfull this need. So instead
>>he "hunts" on the remote control - incessantly
>>switching and prowling and searching for the right
>>connection. Woe be it to the woman to gain control of
>>the remote! It was funny, but it was probably funny
>>because of an underpinning of truth?One thing in our
>house that drives my wife absolutley crazy is when
>someone holds the rmote and keeps switching channels.
>I also noticed that our boys "hide" the remote; they
>will carry it with them to the kitchen or upstairs so
>someone else can't gain control. Maybe it's a control

There must be something to this caveman theory especially regarding the comments that I have read about the trips to the mall and the tv remote. I don't even have to do an informal survey with my friends to know that these things are generally the way we act. What does that say about us? I know that there is not a conspiracy going on. That is I don't think we meet in secret and agree that the tv remote is something that men need to control or that women agree that long trips to the mall are a good thing. I'm going to grill my wife about that last one.

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Re: Response to Caveman TheoryAngel Volpe14:53:12 02/19/01 Mon

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