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Subject: delayed secretary

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Date Posted: 14:40:06 03/09/03 Sun



i am, insha'Allah, going to do secretarial duties when i get there. i can proofread things that are emailed to me until i do.

i am also going to try and do more for Naeem first, and the organization. i would like to apologize to you for not understanding all it is taking you (financial and otherwise) to deal with this situation. Naeem just seems so normal to me, i really have thought of him or you guys as needing anything. and i know you guys go back and forth i am just assuming everything is taking care of.

i will as for help from the muslims here and i will ask malik's uncle to donate as well.

as a muslim we are obligated to do charity and if we do not we are sinning. and charity for the muslims starts with their on family first. it doesn't have to be money a smile, advice, kindness, washing dishes, cooking some one a meal, etc. all of these are charity and i apologize to you and my brother and i ask you guys to remind us and our other family members of giving.

the only thing i see need to the site is where you can send it to your friends.

excellent job, May Allah rectify your situation and make this endeavor easy and a means for you to reach Jinnah (paradise), Amin.

much love


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