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Date Posted: 17:11:45 03/21/03 Fri
Author: krista hall
Subject: Re: Becoming Shakespeare: Write Your Own Sonnet (LESSON 4)
In reply to: andy rysdam 's message, "Re: Becoming Shakespeare: Write Your Own Sonnet (LESSON 4)" on 19:08:44 03/20/03 Thu

>>After reviewing the characteristics of a sonnet,
>>compose an original Elizabethan (Shakespearean) sonnet
>>of 14 lines. Your theme may be traditional (i.e.,
>>love, nature, etc.) or contemporary, but you must use
>>the correct rhyme scheme (ababcdcdefefgg) and iambic
>>pentameter. When you are finished, post your sonnet
>>as a reply to this message. Get creative and have
>alrigt heres the deal. i cant even compare to the
>intelligent poems peopel have been writing here, so i
>went for originality on this one. i decided not to
>write about some chick and how hot she is or whatever,
>cuz everyone else does that and i bet it gets boring
>for people to read. (Mrs G, if you want me to redo
>this i will, i know it doesnt exactly fit the
>requirements, its easily the dumbest thing ive ever
>Jelly Donut
>My love for you goes round like your figure
>Your soft creamy center filled with jelly
>Is it just physical? I am unsure
>Your sight makes me want you in my belly
>With your superb tastes and savory looks
>Your juicy insides are almost too good
>I give props to your creator – the cook
>My heart falls even though you are just food
>Your glaze is like ice on a winter pond
>Sweet to the taste and easy on the eyes
>The love wont end, we share a special bond
>Woohoo! You are on sale what a surprise
>How do I love thee so deep? I dunno
>But I will never part from your great dough

jelly donuts are so great... i wish there were more poems about them

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  • Re: Becoming Shakespeare: Write Your Own Sonnet (LESSON 4) -- Scotty Phillips, 09:43:18 03/22/03 Sat
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