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Date Posted: 00:54:15 03/23/03 Sun
Author: denise liu
Subject: Re: Becoming Shakespeare: Write Your Own Sonnet (LESSON 4)
In reply to: kay obray 's message, "Re: Becoming Shakespeare: Write Your Own Sonnet (LESSON 4)" on 19:00:56 03/18/03 Tue

Hey Kay! Yeah, you can't make fun of my poem because it is about you! haha! lol jk, don't take anything in this sonnet too seriously.
*and a note to everyone else: please don't try to make sense of any of this because you just won't get it. It's all pretty much our nonsense.

Completely unlike my best friend Michele
This girl shops at Wal-mart and Circle K
Her hair I saw had quite a lot of gel
I'm seriously frightened to this day
Although she acts like a perfect church girl
Don't be fooled by this false act she puts on
She will seem like she is a sparkling pearl
She's dealt with her past of being a con
Getting a ride from the airborne drivers
And showing off that purple scarf she loves
From the gooks, she's one of the survivors
This girl is amazed by the wings of doves
Even so, she's a person of sweetness
And her shady jokes have some completeness

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