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Date Posted: 14:26:39 03/18/03 Tue
Author: Tim Ratliff
Subject: Re: Sonnet 73 (READ THIS FIRST!)
In reply to: Mrs. G. 's message, "Sonnet 73 (READ THIS FIRST!)" on 14:54:56 01/02/03 Thu

>After reading & paraphrasing Sonnet 73 on your own,
>explain the following:
>1. How does Shakespeare's diction (word choice)
>convey the season?
> Shakespeare's diction conveys the season because he uses words that can relate to the season itself. One statement he uses to say its winter is:" When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang", this can say how the seasons are changing from fall to winter. By him saying this, many people, (except for Arizonans), realize the yellow leaves falling off means winter. Another thing Shakespeare uses for diction is the words that make everything feel dreary and bare. Two words he uses are cold and bare. These words give the feeling of winter due to the coldness and bareness it brings to the land. By Shakepeare using diction he has people imagine the winter in their heads to make the picture better.

>2. Why are time and season are significant in this
>In this sonnet, time and season play a significant role. Time's role is the time this person has before dying. He talks about the expiring of the deathbed so that probably means he is dying. The season sets the tone of the poem. Winter is known as the final stage of life, so maybe, that is why this is set in winter. While time is running out, winter is beginning, so the person is beginning to die.
>(1 paragraph response)

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