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Subject: TBM in 2-2-3,4,5

Merle Bingham
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Date Posted: 20:10:01 06/17/02 Mon

The TBM-3E shown in page 1, row1, slots 3,4,5, is Bureau no 53503 and is housed in Grand Junction, CO. She flew at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, served in the Canadian Navy during the 50's where carrier duty was served. Saw a sprayer conversion in early 60's in CT but I don't think actual spray time was much IF any (no residue or smell). CAF purchased in 70's, flown some then parked in Mesa, AZ for many years. Rocky Mountain Wing formed in mid 80's and 53503 recieved ferry paperwork to travel to her new and present home where she has been restored to the condition shown here. She just had a firewall forward 2 yrs ago and has been Avenging to airshows ever since from Oklahoma to California. This was quite a project for a small wing but with strong devotion to "Keep Em Flying", our group completed the task. (I was Maintence Officer at the time)
I've traveled the route of TBM's (been to the factory building in Trenton, NJ where GM (Eastern Aircraft) built them. Any TBM questions? Drop me a line mgbtbm@buffalocity.net

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Re: TBM in 2-2-3,4,5Richard Sheckler05:27:43 12/25/02 Wed

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