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Subject: The Draft

Gunny Walker
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Date Posted: 07:57:30 01/26/03 Sun

The draft may not be political suicide, because a lot of Gen-x'ers just don't care to register to vote. If anyone complains about the draft, ask them when was the last time that they voted in an election. Ask them if they know who our current governor is. You'd be surprised just how few of the people who talk politics actually take part in it. They'll have to move to Canada or go to jail. We'll just rope off Puerto Rico and ship them there. Being a prisoner in Puerto Rico surely can't bring down their average income much. And if they don't like it too bad. Let 'em build ships, float on over, and fight the Cubans for Florida.

I'm not sure that we need the draft. I saw a special one time on Area 51. This guy was in search of any top secret facility that the government might own. He found one that they wouldn't allow cameras into. They had even bought a local mountain when they figured out that there was a really big cliff nearby that you could stand at and take pictures, but that wasn't the big deal. They don't allow cameras in the Wal-mart either.

No, the big deal is that someone (I can't remember who.) showed him a laser that the government was working on. This was a special that was a few years old. They were talking about placing it on a plane or a satelite. Now, I know they have had some sucess with "Star Wars", but I wonder about all of this stuff. If this is what they are showing us, what are they NOT showing us? Do we even need people to fight this war? Are the conspiracy theories right in the fact that the Intel corporation has been working with the federal government to put an observation device in every microchip they build? Is DirectTV really just a cover-up for their deadly microvave and mind control weapons? Do you really think they are going to call in Joe Six Pack to operate this stuff?

No. The army of today is different than the Army of the 60's. No we've gone high tech. We can hit a base (or a baby milk factory) from halfway around the world. I don't think that we will really need to send in men until we bomb the snot out of them first. (Au H2O in '64)

Of course the old methods work best. We need to enforce a no fly zone over the whole middle east. Well, Maybe not Isreal, but I'm still on the fence about that one. We enforce trade sanctions, and built a big stinkin' wall around every lovin' one of them. It worked on the Mongols. (For a while.)

That's my two cents for now. (Slightly higher in Hawaii and Alaska)

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Cell PhonesEvilHippy09:32:53 01/28/03 Tue

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