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Subject: (!) Re: 'I live in the wrong part of Canada'

Randy Kubik
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Date Posted: 15:03:52 05/04/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: Toronto-HSE-ppp3702451.sympatico.ca/
In reply to: Rebecca Gingrich 's message, "Re: 'I live in the wrong part of Canada'" on 11:32:14 05/04/03 Sun

Nothing has changed in the world of conservative politics
A response to "I live in the wrong part of Canada"

Wow, this is just amazing to see the same old "seek out and destroy your own" tactic this time employed by the PCPC party to try to get one up on their Canadian Alliance conservative counterpart. This does say volumes about the individuals who would play this type of dirty politics.

The letter, even if read word-for-word, is still taken out of context. It is now six months later.

And besides, what was said is true. If some Ontario voters are insulted or offended by it, then that is their problem.

Bringing forward something that may have the potential to inflame (and hopefully do damage to the CA candidate) is the only motivation of this PC campaign because they are selfish and desperate to do whatever it takes (kind of like Liberals have been known to do) to have their candidate win. This is the nature of the beast.

Voters, who are informed, really know what is going on. They can see past this pathetic attempt to get the upper hand in the last days of the campaign. This underscores, in part, what is currently wrong with our system of democracy, with the petty partisanship that should be irrelevant to the priorities of Canadians who also are desperate to find a real alternative to the status quo.

What should have happened many months ago in Pert-Middlesex was an agreement by the people of the riding (a coalition of voters) who all essentially want ONE sensible alternative to the Liberals to vote for - not TWO watered down options who for the most part represent the same voters looking for change.

In reality, if there was one credible option instead of two, there are likely many who voted Liberal last time, and who will vote Liberal again this time, who would move away from the Liberals if the right clear alternative was presented to them by a group who could demonstrate a fitness and maturity to get the job done. This, unfortunately and clearly, is something that is completely lacking right now as the scenario plays out before our eyes.

To the activists of both the CA and PCPC, the time has long past to get your acts together. You continue to do a disservice to the people who want change. You have failed miserably and the people, especially the voters of Perth-Middlesex, will once again, for the 4th federal election in a row be left frustrated.

You have nothing to be proud about. It is time for a new breed of politician to be born. One who will be able to engage and empower the people they are supposed to represent. It is time for voters, who want regime change in Canada to step back, relax, chill out a bit, and calmly look at and help develop something different. For sure, what we have now isn't working.

Without getting too deeply into it, there is another way for willing participants of a more intelligent or smart democracy to express the will of their riding. I am working on something that would be potentially groundbreaking in its approach to transforming our "basic democracy" to a more "whole democracy" and would be interested in finding the right people to work with.

Are we talking about proportional representation? Some are, but we are not. We would rather keep the first-past-the-post system but share power with more people by creating a system that would engage and empower all those who were willing to participate.

The question is, are people ready to look at a different approach? Honestly, maybe not quite yet, but we will see. To be sure, in the longer term, real change is coming.

Patience is required. Everything in its own time. Food for thought?

Randy Kubik
Etobicoke, Ontario
(Also one who has lived in the west for 8 years)

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(!)Re: 'I live in the wrong part of Canada'Randy Kubik15:07:28 05/04/03 Sun

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