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Subject: **Diamond Dolls & KGBB**

Tabatha Grimes
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Date Posted: 16:43:06 05/25/03 Sun

*~*Kentucky's Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties & Diamond Dolls Pageant Productions*~*~proudly presents "U.S.A. Beauties"!!~

** hollycox22@hotmail.com**

**Banners By Gibson Imaging**

~~For more information or paperwork on these great pageants, please email Tabatha at tabathagrimes@yahoo.com or Holly at hollycox22@hotmail.com~~

Diamond Dolls Pageant Productions &
Kentucky’s Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties
Proudly Presents:
***USA Beauties ***
*~*Double Take*~*
Twice the Glitz**Twice the Glamour** Twice the Awards** Twice the FUN**
Saturday June 21, 2003
Regency INN, Corbin Ky. Off Exit 25, Interstate I-75 Corbin
Holly Cox (606) 287-8835 Website: www.geocities.com/hollycox8835
E-Mail: hollycox22@hotmail.com
Tabatha Grimes (606) 965-3880 E-Mail: tabathagrimes@yahoo.com
Deadline: June 14, 2003 (Cash and Money Orders only accepted!!!)
Absolutely NO CHECKS will be accepted, regardless!!!
Time: 2:00pm Registration: 1:00-1:45pm.
Attire: Patriotic Wear
Anything in Red, White and/or Blue
(Custom or Off the Rack)
If you have any questions about attire, feel free to contact Directors.
No ONE will leave empty handed!!!
Age Divisions:
Girls: 0-18 months ~~ 19-35 months ~~ 3-4 years ~~ 5-6 years ~~ 7-9 years ~~
10-12 years 13-15 years ~~ 16&up
Boys: 0-24 months ~~ 3-5 years ~~ 6&up
**2** Great Pageants for One
LOW Price!!
Only $100.00

Kentucky Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties
**~**USA Beauties**~**
**Double Take Pageant**
With Diamond Dolls Pageant Productions
In each age division there will:
The winner in each age division will receive a nice trophy and crown.
There will be up to 4 alternates awarded in each age division. They will receive a trophy and small crown.
Future Queens:
Everyone else in the age division will receive a trophy
Each age division will have a photogenic winner. You should bring your photos the day of the pageant. Photos should be no larger than 8X10 and no smaller than a wallet size. Please DO NOT mail photos!! Please DO NOT bring photos with frames!! Please label back of photos with name and age division, they will not be accepted otherwise. The photogenic winner in each age division will receive a nice trophy.
Extra Photos will be $5.00 each!!
In each age division there will be a winner in each of the following categories: Most Gorgeous, Best Attire, Most Eye-Catching & Prettiest Smile. The winners will receive a nice trophy.
Grand Supreme:
The highest score of the day will receive a very large trophy, a Custom Banner, as well as a beautiful crown.
Mini Supreme:
The second highest score of the day will receive a large trophy, a Custom Banner and a nice crown.
Novice Supreme:
The third highest score of the day will receive a nice trophy, a Custom Banner and crown.
Overalls will include: Overall Photogenic, Overall Most Gorgeous, Overall Best Attire, Overall Prettiest Smile, and Overall Most Eye-Catching, Overall Director’s choice and Overall Judges Favorite. Winners will receive a very nice trophy!!

Diamond Dolls Pageant Productions
**~~**USA Beauties**~~**
**Double Take Pageant**
With Kentucky’s Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties
In each age division there will:
The winner in each age division will receive a nice trophy and crown.
There will be up to 4 alternates awarded in each age division. They will receive a trophy and crown. Everyone else will receive a trophy and crown
In each age division there will be a winner in each of the following categories: Best Fashion, Most Beautiful, Most Eye-Catching, Most Photogenic & Prettiest Smile. The winners will receive a nice trophy.
Grand Supreme:
The highest score of the day will receive a very large trophy, a Custom Banner, as well as a beautiful crown.
Mini Supreme:
The second highest score of the day will receive a large trophy, a Custom Banner and a nice crown.
Diamond Doll Supreme:
The third highest score of the day will receive a nice trophy, a Custom Banner and crown.
Overalls will include: Overall Photogenic, Overall Most Beautiful, Overall Best Fashion, Overall Prettiest Smile, and Overall Most Eye-Catching, Overall Director’s choice and Overall Judges Favorite. Winners will receive a very nice trophy!!
*We will be offering Ticket Sales to pay Entry Fee!!! *
These are Good Luck Wishes you can sell. They are $1.00 each. Chances on $25.00 cash or a nice gift basket. (Depending on how many participate could be both and more!!) I urge you to do this if you want to enter for FREE!!
Sell 115 Tickets Enter Pageant Free!
Sell 150 Tickets, Pageant Free and 2ft. trophy!
Sell 175 Tickets, Pageant Free, crown and 3ft. trophy!
Sell 200 Tickets, Pageant Free, 4ft. trophy and gift!
Sell 250 Tickets, Pageant Free, 5ft 2-post trophy, and gift!
‘Pageant Free’ includes everything on forms, but excludes Extra Photos!
If you sell more tickets than what is listed above, please contact Director for information regarding trophy size, gifts, etc..
If you are interested in Referrals, Please contact Director Tabatha Grimes for more Info!!!
***You can enter for FREE by getting referrals***
Contestants will be judged on facial beauty- (1-50pts), overall appearance/stage presence- (1-25pts), and personality- age (0-4) modeling ages (4&up)-(1-25pts). Stage will be in a back T formation. The beauty score will break all ties!! Admission is $5.00 for everyone. Admission will help with cleanup, judges, rental and speakers/helpers. Bad Sportsmanship will not be tolerated!!! Those displaying a bad attitude will be disqualified and asked to leave, therefore forfeiting all awards. Don’t let this happen to you! Pageants are for fun and for children and adults alike to have a good time and make new friends. I would like for my pageant system to be honorable and FUN!! That is what it is all about. All awards can and may be lowered if enough contestants do not enter the pageant. Awards stated will be based on 25 contestants. I think you will be pleased with our pageant system, as we are honored to have the ability to have such a pleasing job. The judges decisions will be final and the original score sheets will be given out at the end of the pageant. No refunds will be given for any reason!! Directors have the right to combine any age groups with less than 2 contestants. Must have at least 20 contestants for pageant to be held and awards stated to be given!. If you enter after deadline, no age group will be opened, only those already open will be what you choose from. No Discounts permitted due to the already low price of $100.00 for (2) Pageants!! Balance Owed on the day of the Pageant must be paid by CASH!! Absolutely NO Checks will be accepted!!!
Please Mail Form below and make Money Orders payable to:
**Tabatha Grimes Star Rt. Box 14 Sandgap, KY. 40481**
A Deposit of $50.00 must be received by June 14, 2003
(Please have deposit in on a timely manner, otherwise a $20.00 charge will be added! We will be enforcing this fee!!)
Cash, Money Order and Pay Pal ONLY, Absolutely No Checks will be accepted!!!
Entry Form
$______ $100.00 Beauty Fees (This includes everything on BOTH Information Sheets!!)
$________ $5.00 Extra Photos for Photogenic; # Photos_____
$__________ Amount of Deposit Sent
$__________ Amount Owed Day of Pageant
Name___________________________ Age______ DOB________
Phone #__________________E-mail_______________________
Hair color________________ Eyes______________
Favorite Food_________________ Favorite TV Show_____________________
School____________________________ Grade___________(if applicable)
Contestant #___________ (Director use only)
I, the legal parent of guardian of the contestant above hereby understand and agree that all decisions are final and bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated, resulting in forfeiting of all awards. I will not hold Kentucky’s Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties, Holly Cox, Diamond Dolls Pageant Productions, Tabatha Grimes, Workers, Judges or Regency Inn responsible for any accident, illness, injury, or stolen/lost items that may occur during, before, or after the pageant. I also understand that no refunds will be given, and that awards can and may be enlarged or reduced, depending on how many contestants compete. Directors have the right to substitute awards. I also give permission for photos taken before, during or after the pageant may be used for publicity on paperwork and on KGBB and/or Diamond Dolls web sites. By signing this form, all rights to file claims will be waived.
Contestant: ________________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________________
Date Signed: _____________

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