Subject: KGBB's Halloween Beauties October 4th, 2003 |
Author: Holly Cox
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Date Posted: 14:12:37 08/26/03 Tue"

Kentucky's Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties
Proudly Presents:
Halloween Beauties
Attire: Outfit of Choice & Halloween Costume of Choice
Saturday October 4th, 2003 @ 1:00 pm
Best Western Harvest Inn, London, Ky
Deadline: September 29th, 2003
2 GRAND Supremes, 2 MINI Supremes as well as 5 other Supreme Titles to be
Great Crowns and Trophies to be given
Sign Guestbook now for guestbook drawing!!!!
Kentucky’s Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties
Proudly Presents:
Halloween Beauties
Saturday October 4th, 2003 @ 1:00p.m
Best Western (Harvest INN), London, Ky. @ 1:00p.m.
Deadline: September 29th, 2003
Registration: 12:00-12:30pm
Web site:
Be sure to visit our Website and sign Guest book for a chance to win fees off!!
Drawing will be held on September 13th
Director: Holly Cox (606) 287-8835; E-mail:
Attire: Outfit of Choice & Halloween Costume of Choice
If you have any questions about attire, please contact director!!
Age Divisions:
Girls: ~~0-12months ~ 1yr ~ 2yr ~ 3-4yr ~ 5-6yr ~ 7-9yr ~ 10-12yr ~ 13-15yr ~ 16&up ~ Mrs. ~~
Boys: ~~ 0-2yrs ~ 3-5yrs ~ 6&up ~~
In each age division there will be:
Divisional Queen:
Will receive a nice trophy, crown, gift, and money off the next KGBB Pageant.
Divisional Alternates:
There will be up to 4 alternates in each age division. They will receive a nice trophy, gift and money off the next KGBB Pageant.
Divisional Optionals:
They will be Best Outfit of Choice, Most Gorgeous, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile and Best Halloween Costume of choice.
The winner in each category will receive a nice, unique trophy or crown.
Divisional Photogenic:
In each age division there will be a photogenic winner. You should bring your photo the day of the pageant. Please DO NOT mail photos!! They may be black and White or color, no smaller than a wallet and no larger than a 81/2 X 13. Please label the back of photo with name and age division, otherwise they will not be accepted! The photogenic winner in each division will receive a nice trophy or crown.
Overalls will include, Overall Best Outfit of Choice, Overall Most Gorgeous, Overall Prettiest Eyes, Overall Prettiest Smile, Overall Best Halloween Costume of Choice. Winners will receive a large trophy or crown.
*** 2 Grand Supremes***
(0-4) & (5&up)
These are the highest scores of the day. The winners will receive a large trophy, Awesome crown, gift and money off the next KGBB Pageant.
**2 Mini Supremes**
(0-4) & (5&up)
These are the second highest scores of the day. The winners will receive large trophy, Great crown, gift, as well as money off the next KGBB Pageant.
*Novice Supreme*
The winner will receive a nice trophy, Great crown, gift, as well as money off the next KGBB Pageant.
Butterfly Beauty Supreme:
The winner will receive a nice trophy, Great crown, gift, as well as money off the next KGBB Pageant.
My Buddy and Me Supreme:
This will be the Supreme offered at the door. You pick a buddy in the pageant, and each child pays $10.00. The two children with the highest combined scores will each receive a unique plush doll as well as matching crowns!!!!!! This is a cute Supreme!! This supreme is Double Crowned!!!
There will be Door Overalls and Supremes offered at the door for $25.00
These will include: Overall Photogenic, Overall Directors Choice, Overall Most Eye-Catching, Overall Judges Favorite and Overall Cutie Pie as well as Overall Model.
Supremes offered are: Rising Star Supreme & Millennium Supreme. The Overall winners will receive a nice trophy and the Supremes winners will receive a very nice trophy, great crown, gift and money off the next KGBB Pageant
**All awards stated will be based on 15 contestants**
~~**Ways to Enter for FREE**~~
1.) Sell 125 tickets for a Wal-Mart Gift Card ($25.00 gift card). By doing so you may enter the entire pageant for FREE, and receive special recognition during crowning. Plus, all who sell tickets will have their names put in a drawing to win a Fabulous prize.
*You may contact director for tickets or print them off of website at: *
2.) You may use our referral system. For every referral you bring to our pageant system, you will receive $20.00 off your pageant fees. Refer 5 contestants and enter the entire pageant for FREE!!! If you need copies of paperwork, contact director or print off website at:
**All contestants referred must be NEW to the KGBB System**
What have you got to lose????? Get Started TODAY!!!!!
Want to win even more? The more tickets you sell, the more you get! Sell:
125 Tickets: Pageant FREE & Trophy!
175 Tickets: Pageant Free, 2ft. trophy!
200 Tickets: Pageant Free, 3ft. trophy & crown!
250 Tickets: Pageant Free, 4ft trophy & crown!
300 Tickets: Pageant Free, 5ft 2post trophy & large Crown!
350 Tickets: Pageant Free, 7ft 3post trophy & nice, large Crown!
The more you sell the more you WIN!! All Trophies will be custom with name engraved!!
Contestants will be judged on facial beauty- (1-50pts), overall appearance/stage presence- (1-25pts), and personality-age (0-4) modeling ages (4&up)- (1-25pts). Stage will be in a T formation. The beauty score will break all ties!! Admission is $7.00 for everyone except contestants and those under 4. Admission will help with cleanup, judges, rental and speakers/helpers. Bad Sportsmanship will not be tolerated!!! Those displaying a bad attitude will be disqualified and asked to leave, therefore forfeiting all awards. Pageants are for fun and for children and adults alike to have a good time and make new friends. I would like for my pageant system to be honorable and FUN!! That is what it is all about. Only one discount can and may be used. The discount must be from a previous pageant or guest book drawing. If not, it WILL NOT be accepted. Discount will NOT be accepted if deposit is not in by deadline!! No Acceptions!! If a pageant is canceled, any discounts cannot be carried over!! All awards can and may be lowered if enough contestants do not enter the pageant. Awards stated will be based on 15 contestants. I think you will be pleased with my pageant system, as I am honored to have the ability to have such a pleasing job. The judges decisions will be final and the original score sheets will be given out at the end of the pageant. No refunds will be given for any reason!! Director has the right to combine any age groups with less than 2 contestants. You must enter ALL events in order to be eligible for Supremes, including Door Extras, but not the Buddy Supreme!! (if offered)!!
Must have at least 10 contestants for pageant to be held!
Balance Owed on day of Pageant must be paid by CASH or MONEY ORDER!!
Absolutely NO Checks will be accepted!!!
Please Mail Form below and make Money Order payable to:
Holly Cox P.O. Box 1101, McKee, Ky. 40447
**OR** Pay Pal payment to:
If paying through Paypal, please add 3% fee for Paypal deposit fees
A Deposit of $40.00 must be received by September 29th, 2003
(Please have deposit in on a timely manner; otherwise a $20.00 charge will be added!)
~*~If FULL amount is paid by deadline,you will receive a nice crown!!! ~*~
Cash, Money Order and Pay Pal ONLY, Absolutely No Checks will be accepted!!!Entry Form
______$85.00 Beauty Fee
_______$25.00 Door Overalls
________$5.00(each) Extra Photos: _______ # Photos
________$10.00 My Buddy and Me Supreme (per child)
_________ Discounts (if applicable) = $_________ Amount owed Day of Pageant
Name___________________________ Age______ DOB________
Phone #__________________ E-mail_______________________
Hair color________________ Eyes______________
One word that best Describes the contestant_______________
School____________________________ Grade___________(if applicable)
Contestant #___________ (Director use only)
I, the legal parent of guardian of the contestant above hereby understand and agree that all decisions are final and bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated, resulting in forfeiting of all awards. I will not hold Kentucky’s Gorgeous Butterfly Beauties, Holly Cox, Workers, Judges or place where pageant is held responsible for any accident, illness, injury, or stolen/lost items that may occur during, before, or after the pageant. I also understand that no refunds will be given, and that awards can and may be enlarged or reduced, depending on how many contestants competes. Director has the right to substitute awards. I also give permission for photos taken before, during or after the pageant may be used for publicity on paperwork and on KGBB web site. By signing this form, all rights to file claims will be waived.
Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________________
Date Signed: _____________
Referred By: ________________________________