Subject: New Pageant |
Author: Shelly Benvenuto
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Date Posted: 22:34:43 09/17/03 Wed
New Pageant
I am the KY state Director for the Miss American Spirit Pageant.
Holiday Fun Pageant(Prelim Pageant)
November 22 & 23
Times & Location TBA soon
Please have entries in by Novmeber 6, 2003
Feel free to check out the National Website at
Age Divisions:
Girls: 0-11 months, 12-23 months, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17 and up, & Mrs.
Pageant Competition Areas
Beauty (required):
Consists of On Stage Beauty and Up-close Beauty. These scores are combined for the overall Beauty award.
On Stage Beauty:
Contestants will appear on stage individually wearing an age appropriate dress. Boys can wear Sunday best, suit, or tux. Girls 0-9 should wear short dresses, 9-12 can wear short or long dress, and girls 13 and up should wear a long gown. Contestants will be judged on overall 1st impression, personality, and beauty.
Up-Close Beauty:
Contestants meet with the panel of judges. They should wear their Pageant t-shirt and a white skirt, shorts, or pants.
Contestants 0-4 can be accompanied by a parent. They will be asked questions about their interests. Children under 2 just smile! All questions that will be asked are general questions for the judges to get to know the contestants. There are no right or wrong answers.
Swim Wear:
any type of swimwear that is age appropriate. Cover-ups and shoes are allowed.
Patriotic Wear:
anything that shows the contestant’s American pride.
Headshot photo are preferred. Heavily enhanced photos are not encouraged. Photos must be recent and will be turned in the day of the pageant. They can be color or black & white.
Glitz dress outfit. ProAm is accepted and you may bring your own music if you wish.
Any type of talent will be accepted. The contestant must provide all materials.
Side Awards:
Prettiest hair, prettiest smile, prettiest eyes, & personality
**We will not tolerate bashing of any kind by anyone.
**Starr Productions and those associated with it are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items before, during, or after the competition.
**Refunds will only be given if the pageant is cancelled.
**Contestants will compete as their age on November 9th. Contestants do have the option of moving up a category.
**All winners must stay for photos after the pageant.
** Pageant t-shirt should be worn for awards/crownings.
**There is a 1/2 price sibling discount for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th siblings.
Grand supreme:
The highest total score including beauty and 2 highest optionals. Must enter Supreme Package to be eligible. Winner will receive $200 CASH ($500 CASH if over 35 contestants!!!), a HUGE beautiful crown, 5 ft trophy, custom sash, gift &
Supreme Package paid to your state 2004 final.
Mini Supremes (awarded if over 35 contestants) 0-3 years & 4& up:
(Must enter Supreme Package to be eligible.)
Winners will receive a HUGE beautiful crown, 5ft trophy, custom sash, & ½ off supreme package paid to your state 2004 final.
Age Division Queens & Kings:
Winners will receive beautiful crown, sash, trophy, and $100 off supreme Package to your state 2004 final.
1st through 4th runner up:
Beautiful crown and sash.
On Stage/Up-close Beauty Divisional:
Winner receives trophy & certificate.
Runner-ups will receive a medallion. .
Swim Wear Divisional:
Winner receives trophy & certificate.
Runner-ups will receive a medallion.
Side awards (0-3years & 4-up):
trophy, sash, & certificate.
Winner receives crown, trophy, sash, & certificate.
1st-4th Runner-ups will receive a medallion.
Divisional titles will be awarded if over 15 contestants.
Side awards (0-3years & 4-up):
Winner’s receive a trophy, sash, & certificate.
Sportswear Divisional:
Winner receives trophy & certificate.
Runner-ups will receive a medallion.
Patriotic wear Divisional:
Winner receives trophy & certificate.
Runner-ups will receive a medallion.
Photogenic Divisional:
Winner receives trophy & certificate.
Runner-ups will receive a medallion.
Contestants not receiving crowned award will be crowned Sweethearts with a crown & sash.
Be our Minnesota State Cover Model!
One winner will be chosen to appear on the cover.
Winner will also receive a trophy.
Photo must be turned in either by mail or email by October 9th.
Entry fee is for front cover-$10 for first head shot. Additional pictures are $5. Back cover- $5 for each pic.
Photos will be returned at registration.
State Pageant Program Book Ad Sales
Sell Ad pages or Good luck Pages to earn Prizes!
Sell 1 page- Trophy and gift
Sell 2 pages- Trophy, gift, and $50 off entry
Sell 3 pages- Trophy, gift, and Free Supreme Entry!
Ask local businesses, friends, & family to purchase ads or good luck wish pages.
All Pages are due by October 9th.
Full page- $50, Half page- $25, Quarter page- $15, Business card $10
Name_____________________________________________________ DOB/Age________________
Parent(s) names________________________________________________________________________
Sponsors (if any)______________________________________________________________________
Hair color_____________________ Eye Color____________ Hobbies____________________________
My aspirations or favorite toy_______________________________________________________________
Beauty & Interview (required) $75 ________
Patriotic wear $10 ________
Swimwear $10 ________
Sportswear $10 ________
Side Awards (all) $10 ________
Photogenic $10 ________
(all above categories) $100 ________
Talent $20 ________
Additional Photos $5/ each
Front Cover Model $15 ________
Back Cover Model $10 ________
Additional Cover Model Pics $5/each ________
Door Passes (needed by all spectators) $10 ________
T-shirts (required for crowning & up-close beauty) $15 ________
Referred by___________________________ You get $10 off for each referral & get 4 enter supreme package free!
We agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by Starr Productions. All people affiliated with the pageant are in no way responsible for any damages or accidents, which we may sustain while participating in this pageant. We have read the rules listed above. We agree to allow contestants' pictures, video, name and credits to be used at the discretion of the directors in promotion of this competition.
Print Parent's Name (or Guardian)_________________________________________
Parent (or guardian) Signature_____________________________________________
Mail to KyMissAmericanSpiritPageant, P.O. Box 201, Dice, KY 41736 or email me with any questions.
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