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Date Posted: 13:11:28 03/29/08 Sat

We would like to invite you to attend our National on October 17-19, 2008 in Atlanta, GA! We will be awarding some amazing prizes, over $42,000 in money prizes!
1 Ultimate Strawberry Supreme will win a $10,000 bond! With enough interest we will award TWO $10,000 prizes! One from 0-7 and one from 8 &
1 Ultimate Strawberry King *regardless of boy entries* will win a $2,000 bond!
All prizes guaranteed and we WILL NOT pro-rate!
All Ages (including Teens & Adults) are invited to compete!
MTV has expressed interest in a reality show with
American Strawberry! WOW!
3 Grand Supremes win $4000 Mini Grand Supremes win $2000 3 Mini Supremes $1200 We are offering some awesome discounts! Refer 4 or more friends and receive a complete entry
for FREE! You can also win fees off by entering our Photo Contest or by attending an upcoming preliminary!
www.americanstrawberry.com/nationalpaperwork.htm Click for paperwork!
Something to Think About: We will be awarding $500 cash
to the best Strawberry themed attire at our National! This is a free Optional Event! |