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Date Posted: 14:46:06 09/20/05 Tue
Author: Dark Avenger
Subject: God Is A Terrorist

The End is here..... It is long overdue... How will you come to terms with the Will Of God? Your sins have covered the earth and stained it with the blood of all living things for thousands of years. The earth is in agony with the weight of your truculence. God is a Terrorist. If He is evil, he will wipe you away for the fun of it. If He is good, then he will punish you for your sins. Whether you have choice or free-will or no choice is of no consequence. The results will be the same.....

You are a tabernacle of lies. You proclaim your goodness oh Man, but you are not good. I am not good. Nobody is good. You think the Devil might do what he will on the earth, and you rise up to blame Him. But Satan has no power outside of whatever power you would give him through the force of your own perfidity, your own selfishness, your own evil. The wickedness of Satan is dwarfed by the magnitude of your own wickedness, oh Man. Perhaps God is the Devil, or perhaps he is not, but either way both the Devil and God could not help but look upon you with utter revulsion.

America, you are accursed! You have failed to even remotely live up to the mandates of your birthright. You have drowned the world in blood, so you will be drowned in blood. Both the force of Man and Nature will rise up against you for your sins, for your evil.... You have impoverished the world with your exploitation, so you will be impoverished. You have invaded and terrorised the world, so you will be invaded and terrorised. You condemn Islamic terrorists, yet they are better than you.... They would not flood their societies with pornographic filth; they would not let their children live on the streets as prostitutes; they may be insane, but at least they stand for something. What do you stand for, other than lies?

They are part of the cleansing that will help rid the world of your unique kind of evil. That which does all manner of evil in the name of good. The Sabbatean Islamic Jews of Al Queda are part of the dialectic. A wing of the Elites themselves, that you think opposes them. Nothing really happens unless the Elites want it to happen. Maybe they want to die and want you to die, have you ever thought of that? It is the Will Of God.

Those who know no mercy shall be shown no mercy. Those who have been shown no mercy know no mercy. You have yet turned away from all charity and the ways of truth. You have thought your own ways and minds to be greater than that of God's. He has let you take the wide road that leads to Hell. You have arrived, for planet earth has long been Hell itself. Humans are both the Devils and the victims in this Hell. The animals and eco-systems are also the innocent victims of Man, creatures far more worthy of life than Man himself. Nature has been profaned, and Her wrath will be fierce. God's vengence with be literally merciless. War, Famine, Plague, Fires, Floods, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Storms, will you be able to take it? You will pray and cry out to God, but he will not hear you. The weight of your sins will have deafened Him... God is noble in both His Good and His Evil. Man is noble in nothing. Man is herefore worthy of judgement. Nature's iron laws have made life hard on the earth, but Nature never intended the earth to be Hell. It is Man alone that has turned the world into Hell. Even the demons in Hades shudder at the evilness of Man. There is nothing in Hades, the seven rings of Heaven, or above or below the earth that is worse than Man.

The End has been proclaimed, and the judgement is nigh. The Lord Christ has pronounced the judgement, and Satan shall execute the judgement. Soon there will be nothing to fear, because the worst will have been realized... The Abyss has been opened, and the Devil and his minions shall be given free reign to lay waste the earth. Man failed as both the guardian of the earth and of himself. Thus the Devil has come to reap the price and take his due. Man and his death and the death of all things on earth is now rightfully The Devil's due. The soul of Man, worthless and corrupt; shall be the plaything of the Devil, until it decays of its own entropy.... The world and Man is now damned utterly, and God the Supreme Terrorist shall work His Vengence. Amen.

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