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Date Posted: 19:50:24 06/23/06 Fri
Author: CATHY
Subject: Re: bosaino towing
In reply to: kelly 's message, "bosaino towing" on 15:02:18 02/05/03 Wed

I know Eddie very very well actually to well but then again I heard alot of girls no him well..Wonder is he is still married God bless his wife. Well tell him if you ever see him that Cathy said hey whats up hell remember me.

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[> Re: bosaino towing -- A Friend, 13:44:39 02/06/07 Tue

Eddie Grow up and be a father you have a 18 year old son you havent seen in years since he was what 13 and yes not from your wife so what type of guy does that make you (A CHEATER)... You are some type let me tell ya. your a dirty ass who HAS NO HEART or worries about your own son . but its all good the kid is better off without ya wouldnt want him to grow up like a man like you who cheats on his wife has kids with other women your dirty...............

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[> [> Re: bosaino towing -- A real Friend, 12:07:52 02/12/07 Mon

You must have slept with him too that is why you are mad. First of all yes eddie is a cheater just like most men out there, and he supported his child and would have seen him more if.........Do you know the mother? she made things hard so don't be talking trash about people. Because it takes two to cheat.

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[> [> [> Re: bosaino towing -- a friend, 10:32:26 02/13/07 Tue

>You must have slept with him too that is why you are
>mad. First of all yes eddie is a cheater just like
>most men out there, and he supported his child and
>would have seen him more if.........Do you know the
>mother? she made things hard so don't be talking
>trash about people. Because it takes two to cheat.

well no sorry i am probably the only girl that never slept with him and that was of course my choice cause he was a ugly dude and dirty. but besides that the mother of his son was not a cheater she wasnt married when she met him and how the hell can you say most man are cheaters my man isnt and i know alot of man that arent r u kidding me she made things hard for him to see him that is such a lie he did see the baby all the time every weekend you must not know the whole story he just wanted more from the mother and she wouldnt give it to him. but besides all this the child is 19 now he gave up on this kid after seeing him all the time now that is MESSED UP.

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[> [> [> [> Re: bosaino towing -- I dont have to leave a name, 10:18:02 02/17/07 Sat

You tell them, They should only know the truth about her man. I know the mother, I havent spoke to her in years but let me tell you she always let him see the baby. He was a cheater still is one and will never change. he is just mad that the mother of his son didnt want nothing more to do with him so he took it out on the son. whoever thinks they are real friends with him good im happy to hear he has a friend at all..

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: bosaino towing -- anthony, 15:21:01 02/19/07 Mon

I am a friend of Eddies I havent seen him in a while and I remember the girl he was with and yea she was a little crazy but the kid looked just like eddie. but that girl shouldve known better then to mess with someone that is married. I dont know if Ed still sees the kid but he should its the mother who is nutz not the kid.well just wanted to put my 2cents in on this subject

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: bosaino towing -- Alice, 21:04:05 02/25/07 Sun

Well This is the women that has his kid and number one Anthony I wrote you email and you never answered so you must not no me at all. 2nd to the friend who wrote shit 1st of all whoever you are you dont know the story so dont bother commenting if you wanna know the truth just im me, but you probably ant got the balls for that either. you say all man cheat god you must be a real moreon to say something like that, but if that is what your dealing with thats on you. This site is so boring like i said if anyone wants to know anything i leave my email so either write an email or im me if not shut the fuk up cause you have no clue what you are saying..................................

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