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Date Posted: 12:35:11 02/15/03 Sat
Author: Havoc
Subject: Re:
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Cat , aliens and elves/fairies" on 05:41:07 02/15/03 Sat

Whoa! O_O

The timed "mind openings" seem to happen to me as well. Sometimes i can't sense Ninja, my astral guardian, nor anything else ethereal for a while. I tend to have dragons in my household, and by seeing sparks of random might and the orbs i guess faeries and other beings probably exist. As i've noticed, i can sense them gather in my room and around the artifacts i have (books, bones, stones, pictures, pendents, ect. They also seem to like by gecko!) which has strong energies. The only way i can describe it is it's like walking into water- things are amplified like sound, and you feel like you are literally breathing thick air.

Also, ever since i was young i've had a facination with cats and an athropormorphic feline. I may have talked about it before here, but i used to have waking-fantasies about being taken away from my room by force, being put unconcious, and returned by good guys, to later go with them at night to help them with things- usually against the bad guys. One of these good guys was Cat, a black feline-man. I may have saw him once physically, while i was wishing to just be taken away because my parents recently fought and were talking about divorce. I was looking out my windows and something crossed them, and i made out the shape of his snout, chest, and cape.

This could have been a mind-distortion, but even since i was young- about three years of age- i think it may be something. I even subconsiously made a story about what's happening today with the possible alien senario, and i used Cat as the king of the good guys.

I'll quote a few of my expiriences/theories-posts from the AAER board for reference and some information...

Posted by Havoc ( on January 18, 2003 at 18:55:40:

In Reply to: Do animals react? posted by Candy on January 18, 2003 at 07:11:49:

I can't say ANYTHING definate, but this is my opinion from what i've seen and heard.

Animals ARE highly psychic, being society can't thwart their personalities to become blind to their own power. They even talk with a form of telepathy in my opinion- but in a wordless manner with emotion and vague imagry, a linking empathy. That's why compassionate people often draw wildlife too themselves- they are talking "animal," a language where you can't lie.

Being animals have their natural "psychic vision," their reaction to aliens is pretty much simple if you look at human reactions. Being Greys have their "non-emotionalness," or at least an emotion/energy not completely native on his planet, it is something frightning to thinking wildlife (deer, squirrles, ducks, ect) to send them running (while in opposition plants, bacteria, and some forms of bugs may gather and thrive- that's something to test out!).

For a little more detailed explination, being Greys rely on thoughts and have no emotional interference in their mind(mercy, sorrow, ect), they're like walking "judges"- and they're awareness literally puts you under judgement depending on how evolved your mind is. (Respect, diligance, responsability, doing what must be done, ect?) Such bluntness is something non-existant, or at least rare, on the primitive-yet-advanced Earth. Any being being put under the stress of a Grey's unintentional "test" (that would determine what could happen to them) would be frightened and worried about the results. That may be another reason why humans AND animals fear Greys and try to avoid them if possible.

With Reptilians (which i think is a completely different species), who can be indevidually "nasty" (but not all of them) in many occasions, you can just feel their intentions- malice. From personal expirience, when there's a sub-dimensional Reptilian floating around in my house with bad intentions, I can feel it wants to do the worst possible- it's like i'm in a physical fight a lot of the times.

My cat, Spookie, like most of his species can see the malveolent entities in the house, often staring at "nothing" to then walk up to me for protection (i use him as a seeing-eye dog somtimes, and when he starts to react i put up a psychic shield)- or runs out of the room like a gun has been set off, scared. Other times, when I myself am being psychically attacked or am the target, he hangs around and quite stubbornly "protects" me, or at least makes me aware something is there, using the "Animal Telepathy" and body language. When there is a entity he is afraid of but curious about, i follow him around in case it turns on him.

But in the case of good entities, he looks like he's on catnip. Often he chases Orbs, a type of ghost (insert: maybe the faeries or dragons?). He get's so hyper he runs around the house like he's chasing a very fast rodent, to then suddenly get in the living room, roll over and start purring, or spin in a very quick circle (it's hilarious!) and meow in surprise or in vain because he can't catch his playmate.

Other times, he just sits back contently. Although Reptlians do not come around my area as much as they did before, since i and Pookis "pair up" and i have awareness to my astral Guide, Ninja, i think Greys might come by once in a while. I'd say they are benevolent, and do no harm. When i sense them around (sometimes to wake up in the morning feeling like total crap, and eventually come down in a sinus infection and having the feeling i've been abducted. I'm becoming more and more sure that i'm a subject instead of a bystandard), i find Pookis and Idra-Yo-Lizard (my leopard gecko) BOTH looking at the same spot, but unafraid. I get the feeling (empathy, again) that they're curious with a -"Ah. You again! What are you going to do this time?"- feeling to them. If the Greys are a constant presence in my house, i think Pookis and Idra have become used to them and actually might understnad what is happening.

Sometimes our human "intelligance" is actually stupidity, seeing as how it can lead us into rational paranoia which we see "fit" and "safe" to harbor, and even make worse to adapt to things. Being animals have open minds as it is (like children), they just need to adapt to what's happening, while being perfectly aware of it. This is also the reason why animals are more aware of psychic phenomonon- they're not afraid of society smiting them form their abilities.

Well...That's what i think. ^ ^

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  • Sleep -- Me, 14:26:21 02/15/03 Sat
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