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Subject: Harry Potter and Xena

Cassie Edith Stegner
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Date Posted: 00:35:19 08/12/06 Sat
In reply to: sstars5 's message, "~A Magical Adventure~" on 16:51:08 10/14/03 Tue

>Hi ya, I'm a Xena and Harry Potter fan. I wanted to
>check out Harry Potter because I noticed it had that
>same mystical/magical feel of it that Xena has. I love
>stories like it. Especially the type where an
>unaverage someone becomes a hero. Kind of like Xena.
>No one expected "the Destroyer of Nations" to become a
>I bought the season 2 dvd set of Xena too and love it!
>I bought the DVD set from Amazon. I wish I had waited
>to buy it from Best Buy. I paid more than I needed too
>and I didn't get the exclusive 30 minute interview
>with Lucy Lawless. *sigh* maybe next time.
>Heart pounding action, hysterical comedy, captivating
>drama, beautiful scenery, the continuous battle
>between good and evil plus the mythical flavor is
>Xena. I absolutely love this show!
>I also love the special features that came with the my
>DVD set; the bonus disc with Xena trivia, actors bios,
>pictures, the actor's commentaries plus a gift
>certificate for the official Xena/Herculese store.
>Oh-my gosh too cool!
>Battle on Xena!

Right now since Xena got off the air I was bored intil J.K.Rowling writen the Harry Potter books I am more happy and I do better in school then before Xena got off the air. I miss it though because I was Garbriella in the show and my mom was Xena. We would act like the show will go on forever. I know now that nothing is forever espesatly on tv now days. I hope people take this to heart. When your heart tells you one thing while your head tells you another said Garbriella one time on the show

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