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Subject: time to think

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Date Posted: 18:41:15 04/26/03 Sat

I have finaly gotten sick of the underdeveloped rumors that have been passed around like candy. Silly rumor #1 Number four privet drive does not have a secret keeper! if it did the ron, fred, george could not have found it in the flying car, acording to flitwick the secret is from everyone not just dark wizards. Arthur's contact at with the flu network didn't have problems finding it. I belive that the protection of harry is some sort of charm, spell or something to that nature. Harry's parents were watching over him and that did little to protect him (ok it saved his life but that was kind of a shock to everyone so it could not have been intended) unless Mrs.Figg's plan was to die for harry (kind of a bummer plan) Silly rumor #2 Mrs. Figg I'm not sure if she has any conection to Arabela or not, but it doesn't fit that she is a witch. First of all in the first book she walked around with a broken leg for a while, now what kind of witch would walk around with a broken leg, also if she was part of the old gang, (this includes the dearest friends of the potters) I think she might of been a bit nicer to harry while he stayed with her growing up, all of the other friends (excluding wormtail) treat harry very well indeed. Many other rumors flying around are both illogical and anoying however the two I addressed are the most anoying of them all I know most people will not care but maybe we will have one less posting of the same silly rumors

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Re: time to thinkBenny11:00:04 08/13/03 Wed
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