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Thursday, March 13, 07:50:15pm CDTLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time ]
Subject: Michelle Obama and her embarrassing secret.

Christopher Anton (Convulsed with laughter)
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Date Posted: 09:19:56 03/03/13 Sun

When Michelle Obama sleeps, she snores so loudly that the walls of the White House almost shake.
Her nocturnal eruptions especially caused embarrassment during the state visit, which the presidential couple paid to Queen Elizabeth II in London last year. Nobody at Buckingham Palace could get any sleep. The Queen and Prince Philip had to hammer on the bedroom door, in order to command some peace. The snoring of the First Lady was not the only problem that had to be dealt with, that night in the palace. When Michelle started screaming, things really were becoming very dangerous.
What caused Mrs Obama to yell like a baby on that fateful night? Was it something to do with the secret that Barack keeps hidden in his trousers? What is that big secret?
The answer to these and a host of other intriguing mysteries can be found in the devastatingly funny political satire, “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by Christopher Antony Meade. You’ve probably guessed, but there is a psychopathic brain-eating zombie in the book as well and it is neither Mitt Romney nor Hilary Clinton.
Read the complete reviews of this devastatingly irreverent novella and
sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)

You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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