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Subject: RE: ERG is 102--on the 26/9/03 52 x15 todaySunday

Walt Disney's Fantasia debuted. standard9 11/13/05
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Date Posted: 13/11/05 2:02:41am

RE: ERG is 102--on the 26/9/03 52 x15 today standard9 11/13/05 04:56
Walt Disney's Fantasia debuted. standard9 11/13/05 03:12
RE: S&P index March 24th 2000 229 x 9. standard9 11/13/05 03:03
Chart ERG---oversold? picking bottoms.12c bonkers7 11/13/05 02:13
22,015 ======3,145 weeks Hiroshima bonkers7 11/13/05 02:02
Birthdate sameHiroshima weekly 7 bonkers7 11/13/05 01:59
670 days Stockhouse closure keyday 11/13/05 01:47

22,015 ======3,145 weeks Hiroshima keyday 11/13/05 01:33
S&P index March 24th 2000 229 x 9. bonkers7 11/13/05 01:02
ERG appears oversold 12c 11/11/05 bonkers7 11/12/05 23:02
faces next Olympics--page 11 Sun Herald bonkers7 11/12/05 22:48
Defended by John Marsden!--lol--Nov12th bonkers7 11/12/05 22:45
Page 10 SunHerald Marijuana Sydney bonkers7 11/12/05 22:43
nightcrawler Nov 12th Saturday==88 weeks. bonkers7 11/12/05 22:37
614 days post removal. bonkers7 11/12/05 22:34
616 days nightcrawler. Nov 12th bonkers7 11/12/05 22:33
RE: net Short Sale positions10-Nov-2005 bonkers7 11/12/05 22:31
RE: Spaceship Columbia is launched 12c spaceman20 11/12/05 22:19
Spaceship Columbia is launched bonkers7 11/12/05 22:16
1942==Guadalcanal begins 12c 11/11/05 bonkers7 11/12/05 22:11
1,139 New York==Oct1st 2002=free float bonkers7 11/12/05 21:01
To me water restrictions 12.5 bonkers7 11/10/05 17:53
RE: statement at Ozestock floor 12.5c bonkers7 11/10/05 17:49
statement at Ozestock floor 12.5c bonkers7 11/10/05 17:44
significance of 11/11/05--Sydney time bonkers7 11/10/05 17:29
The next significant day for ERG bonkers7 11/10/05 17:28
Days in history ECB meetings. bonkers7 11/10/05 16:33
ERG appears oversold-low 13c bonkers7 11/10/05 16:30
612 days post removal Ny time 68 x9 bonkers7 11/10/05 16:19
209 x 7 Sept 11th to November 10th.NY time bonkers7 11/10/05 16:16

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