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Subject: Re: 8/1 WL

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Date Posted: Sat, Aug 02 2003, 19:00:51 PDT
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In reply to: Anita 's message, "8/1 WL" on Sat, Aug 02 2003, 9:43:26 PDT

I agree - both episodes were outstanding. Helping Hands is one of my favorite games so it was great to see it played. I also enjoyed Whose Line a lot too. Greatest Hits really had me laughing during the Beach Boys song. What the heck went wrong there???? Seemed like everyone was doing his/her own thing.

The second episode comes from the same taping as the episode with Tapioca. I never caught that the first time it aired but last night I noticed the guy in the audience who Wayne pulls out as the Outraged Secretary who finds a photocopy of someone's butt in her in tray. That must have been a great taping to be at with a lot of really funny stuff coming out of it. I can't figure out who was more suprised in Props when Drew managed to get the ring around Ryan - Drew or Ryan.

As far a 4th seaters - I'm partial to Brad. The episodes with Greg are really great and I kill myself laughing but as far as favorite 4th seaters it would have to be Brad. I think, though, that it's because when I've met him in person he's had such an easy-going likeable manner that it's just really made me like him. It also didn't hurt that I got to move him in a game of Moving People. He's just so goofy and likeable.


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Re: 8/1 WLJean MSat, Aug 02 2003, 20:40:55 PDT

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