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Subject: Re: Are you ready for another game?

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Date Posted: Sun, Aug 24 2003, 18:51:54 PDT
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In reply to: Rose 's message, "Re: Are you ready for another game?" on Fri, Aug 22 2003, 14:07:57 PDT

>>>Cynthia gleefully took off her panty hose and wrapped
>>>them around her head for a hair net. "Out of my way
>>>old man!" She shouted confidently "I wanna sling
>>>"Okay." The manager replied "But first, are those
>>>control top panty hose or sandal foot?"
>>"What difference does it make?" Cythnthia asked the
>>manager. Really why should it make a difference to
>>the man and how did he know so much about women's
>>pantyhose. What Cynthia didn't know was that the
>Worked part time as a female impersonator. He was
>known far and wide for his impressions of Liza
>Minnelie, Madonna, and former attorney general, Janet
>Reno. Dressing as famous women didn't pay for all the
>extra large panty hose he required, however, and
>running a burp'n' burger did.
>"Your first job is to clear off those tables over
>there" the manager said. "Okay." Cynthia said "but
>those tables...

have dirty dishes on them and I'll break a fingernail when I pick them up"

The manager sighed and thought 'okay I'm dealing with a
little prissy here but who am I to judge? I used to dress like women and got a lot of harrassment for that. Besides even though this girl looks like she's been spoiled, she's seems to have confidence in herself and wants to make a change in her life'
So the manager responded to Cynthia . . .

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Re: Are you ready for another game?RoseTue, Aug 26 2003, 11:51:04 PDT

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