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Subject: -= member talk =-

dark (checks)
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Date Posted: 20:59:10 02/19/03 Wed

hey guys and girls(if any... more),
just so you know, my new name is dark(da). ok... so people think we are a different clan, i have seen that too, but i just say our real name. if we did change our tags on our names, i think that we would have some problems with people who have godd recs, i really wouldn't care myself. now, so far we haven't had any other clans get on this site,a nd trash it, mainly in the forum section, but we may need to be aware that it could happen. i bet some of you have pissed off some other clan memeber, i have. just the way war goes. oh hey, my b-day was the 13 of Feb. ya! anways, so how is eveyone doing in the clan tourny, it's kinda confusing organizing it, but it will get better as we get more practice at it. wow, i've been in this clan pretty much since the beggining, and now i see that is has grown a lot. it's pretty cool. my previus name that i first entered the clan as, was checks(da). i took time off and practiced more and i think that i have learnd some new tactics. hopefuly. ok.... now about members... we really DO need to watch who we pick. we already have bad recs in our clan. i'm not saying i'm the best, cuz i'm not. but i think that we should at least choose a little better about who we pick. ya know? to make real sure. like maybe let the in the clan, and if their rec is bad after the next update on the member list, kick them out. how's that? ok, well i just wanted to say some things and i hope everyone is doing well, hope to see you all around the net.

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