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Subject: Re: which valves to buy?

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Date Posted: 16:35:24 01/20/03 Mon
In reply to: tonyz2897 's message, "Re: which valves to buy?" on 14:56:48 01/20/03 Mon

To "rebuild" a head as cheap as possible:

Disassemble the head and take it to a machine shop. Have them check the flatness of the mating surface and only do what's absolutely necessary. Excessive milling will raise your compression and screw up your cam timing.

Buy new, stock size valves. I'd recommend buying back cut valves or having them back cut.

Lap them into the head yourself. This is a simple procedure that requires a good valve lapping compound and either a lapping tool (cheap) or I've also used a cordless drill on the valve stem.

Larger valves WILL flow more without porting the head, but will require the valve seats to be cut by a machine shop to accept the larger valves. This would be a great step in the right direction if you can afford it.

Port work gets expensive as its very time consuming. Spend what you can in this area and you won't be disappointed.

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