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Subject: ERG has won another contract Finland that s 2SetecFin I.D.Card2003–2006.

(8.7.2002)deliveries will start in the beginning of 2003.
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Date Posted: 00:41:11 02/10/03 Mon

Setec won tender of Finnish official identity cards


Setec, a leading smart card solution provider, will deliver Finnish national ID and electronic ID cards in 2003–2006. The acquirers are National Population Register Centre and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, Setec will deliver electronic ID organization cards for National Population Register Centre, who will offer them for its own customers as part of certification services. Altogether, the two deals may bring Setec volume deliveries of hundreds of thousands of cards within the next four years.

The deliveries will start in the beginning of the 2003. Setec will provide the card solution as a turn-key service, i.e. will produce the polycarbonate or PVC cards, the card operating system and applications for the EID cards, and will personalize the end-user and issuer information on the cards. PKI security technology is adapted on the EID cards.

According to Mr Tommi Nordberg, Senior Vice President of Setec Group's Government & Corporate Business Unit, this deal is significant for Setec on its home market in the Nordic Countries and also in the context of export operations as a whole. This card solution is suitable as such for export, which can be easily verified by the various ID card and EID card deals that Setec has closed e.g. in Sweden, Norway, Singapore and Thailand. In export cases, the personalization is carried out by a local partner.

In the tender, several requirements were expected to be fulfilled by the participating card suppliers. These included a profound expertise and a track-record on equivalent, demanding projects, as well as on smart card based certification service solutions supporting PKI. Also the security level of the card suppliers' premises was given a great emphasis in selecting the supplier.

Setec has delivered the Finnish national ID and EID cards also in 1999-2002. The visual ID card is an official ID document, and the EID card can also be used for conducting secure electronic transactions and for digital signatures. In addition, the official ID card is a valid ID document within the Schengen area.

For further information, please contact:
Mr Tommi Nordberg, Senior Vice President
Tel. +358 9 89411, mobile +358 400 453 420

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