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Subject: 03/05/2000 p.1Proton World and ACI enter into a Global Partnership Alliance.

Thankyou Lost-the Proton R4 “front-end”smart card
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Date Posted: 00:51:45 02/10/03 Mon
In reply to: Wednesday, May 12, 1999BPay bill payment 's message, "BASE24 Remote Banking(TM) with First Data Resources Australia, Ltd." on 00:24:12 02/10/03 Mon


03/05/2000 p.1

Proton World and ACI enter into a Global Partnership Alliance.

Two of the world’s most experienced smart card companies to provide a combined

solution for e-commerce and other payments

Brussels, Gouda and Miami, 3 May, 2000

Proton World announced today that it has entered into a global partnership alliance with ACI

Worldwide, a leading supplier of enterprise e-payment systems around the world.

Proton World and ACI will establish a joint development team to specify and name a joint

offering product that will combine the Proton R4 "front-end" smart card management package

with the ACI "back-end" host and back office system. Both companies will remain free to offer

add-on packages to this core product, which will be jointly-marketed and promoted to new and

existing customers of both companies.

The Proton World – ACI joint offering meets the emerging market requirement for robust,

consumer-friendly, multiple application smart cards, and facilitates the fast, effective

deployment of smart card solutions across all sectors. Its technical architecture will consist of

the combined functionalities of the Proton CEPS-based e-purse; the Proton World EMVcompliant

debit/credit application; the ACI EMV host software; the ACI back office payment

system and any additions requested by the customer, such as additional Proton World

applications, the Proton World Card & Application Life Cycle (CALC), based on Open Platform

or ACI’s MONAD multi-functional card management system. This fully integrated end-to-end

smart card solution includes software, a package of integration services, project management

and training to facilitate multi-application smart cards.

"This solution will at last unleash the full potential of e-commerce", said Graham Frost, Deputy

Managing Director of Proton World. "The growth of e-commerce has been held back so far by

the lack of a secure means of payment that is trusted by consumers and merchants alike. This

has led to the current situation where 70% of e-commerce customers quit before the check-out

and fraud and repudiated transactions have grown to unacceptable levels. Smart cards which

offer guaranteed identity, totally secure payment options and the ability to be used in the

physical world too are now possible thanks to the alliance of Proton World and ACI.

Furthermore, with the use of the world’s most popular e-purse, micro transactions such as

purchasing single tracks of music over the Internet can be accommodated in a trusted and far

less costly manner.When two industry giants such as ACI and Proton World decide to combine

their resources, you can expect great things. In this case we are delighted to be working

together with ACI to take the brakes off e-commerce."

"Proton World and ACI have co-operated at a technical level for many years and have many

joint customers who, between them, have deployed millions of smart cards," said Graeme

Ward, Chief Technology Officer of ACI Worldwide’s Electronic Commerce business unit. "As

this industry gains pace and issuers see the benefits of including many applications on a single

card, as well as complying with international standards for interoperability, our combined

product offering and experience will reduce risk and improve effective time to market.This will

provide issuers and application providers with a single-source approach to deploying the

technology and integration with acquiring and back-office systems. I believe that the ability of a

customer to provide unique identity - in order to brand the products and services as they want,

deliver them in the way that they want - by means of a multiple-application smart card - will be

the next great step in the evolution of customer-centric technology. I am delighted that we will

be working with Proton World to make this vision a reality."



Notes for Editors

PROTON WORLD was created by major smart card players (American Express, Banksys,

ERG, Interpay and Visa International) to give a boost to common smart card and electronic

purses standards. Proton World is a high-technology company, which delivers global smart

card solutions world-wide. It continues the development and licensing of Proton smart card

applications, which have already been chosen by 20 countries. The Proton technology is the

most broadly implemented in national roll-outs and is the most actively used world-wide: the

Proton-based smart card schemes have together performed more than 152 million e-purse

transactions since they have been introduced. It also has the largest acceptance base, with

more than 277,000 terminals installed world-wide.

Multiple applications are available today on the Proton platform (for example electronic

commerce, access controls, loyalty schemes, calling cards, university campus cards etc.).

Proton World supports a variety of technologies and specifications to deliver open,

interoperable and global smart card solutions. It is implementing the Common Electronic Purse

Specifications (CEPS) to ensure interoperability of electronic purse schemes world-wide.

For more information, please visit our web site at www.protonworld.com or contact

Ms. Dominique Hautain, Executive Vice-President, Strategy, Marketing & Communication,

Proton World International SA/NV, 10 rue du Planeur / Zweefvliegtuigstraat 10 B-1130


Telephone + 32 2 724 5111 Fax + 32 2 724 5060 e-mail info@protonworld.com

The Electronic Commerce business unit of ACI Worldwide (Nasdaq: TSAI) provides a

broad suite of e-commerce solutions to both "bricks and mortar" as well as virtual retailers,

merchant banks and payments processors. It counts as customers 22 of the top 100 retailers in

the U.S., as well as a virtual mall and an e-commerce payments processor. The Electronic

Commerce unit’s solutions address virtually every facet of the e-payment process, including

secure web-based payments, debit and credit transaction authorization, smart card-based

solutions for multi-application deployments, e-fraud management, 1:1 targeted marketing

programs and digital wallets.

For more information, please visit our web site at www.aciworldwide.com or contact

Gene Hinkle, manager, Corporate Communications,

ACI Worldwide, 330 South 108th

Avenue, Omaha, NE 68154, USA

Tel: +1 402.390.8906 Fax:+1 402.330.1528 e-mail: hinkleg@tsainc.com

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Re: Proton Prisma, previously known code-name of "Proton R4".Brussel Sprouts19 February 2001:01:00:55 02/10/03 Mon

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