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Customer story: Department of Defense slumhamburgers
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Date Posted: 08:55:16 02/11/03 Tue

Customer story: Department of Defense
Common Access Card (CAC) program
The Challenge
To provide a smart, backward compatible, common access identification card to be deployed to over 4m active duty, selected reserve, DoD civilian and eligible contractor personnel by 2003. The CAC will be the principal card used to enable:

physical identification/access to buildings and controlled spaces
logical access for secure logon to computers and networks
secure email and privilege-based access to networks and databases
The solution
SchlumbergerSema Java-based, fully programmable Cyberflex Access multi-application smart card - the first card to comply with FIPS 140-1 Level 2 - the minimum level of security for all DoD and government applications involving smart cards used for cryptographic applications.

A task force was assembled to work closely with the DoD to design, develop, encode, test and implement a solution capable of meeting the department's strict manufacturing specifications. Over 100 combinations of card body and plastic combinations were tested for durability and integrity before the final card selection. Equipped with ActivCard applets and application software, the SchlumbergerSema smart card is the first Java-based FIPS 140-1 Level 2-certified card of its kind - and the first to be implemented by the DoD. Features include:

simple to program, multi-application Java-based platform
full compliance to FIPS 140-1, one of the toughest security standards established by the NIST/NSA
PKI and digital signature technology
easily deployable into new or existing legacy infrastructures
largest free EEPROM space for easy addition of post-issuance applications
robust, high endurance composite card body
magnetic strip and post-printing capabilities on both sides of the card
The result
Successful issuance and active use of smart common access identification cards to over 275,000 individuals (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps) by February 2002. The easily deployed smart card enables the DoD to achieve a 10-15 minute card issuance process, personalizing the card's integrated circuit chip with individual information. Initially used for digital information and electronic certification, the card is encoded with PKI certificates for authentication, encryption, decryption and digital signatures. The card also includes a photograph, identification text, bar codes, magnetic stripe to support legacy applications and security features to resist counterfeiting.

Future applications include biometrics, physical access, logistics and departmental or component-specific requirements such as information regarding defense travel, deployment readiness, property accountability, food services and medical/dental data.

Improved efficiency and security
Each smart card is easily created and deployed resulting in vast reductions in time required to register new personnel
Thanks to interoperable technology, card issuance is centralized and accessible worldwide - a single infrastructure for all ID cards - and one card used by one person throughout the world
Superior security in logical and physical environments
Enhanced privacy through secure authentication and identification
Future-compatible and ready to support DoD in its future electronic business strategies - e.g. e-payment, cashless solutions
A worldwide reference for smart card security programs
In June 2002 SchlumbergerSema delivered the millionth FIPS 140-1 Level 2 certified card to the DoD in support of the Common Access Card rollout - one of the largest information technology smart card projects in the world. In 2002, the DoD smart ID card implementation won two major industry awards: the 'Outstanding Smart Card Application' award at the Cardtech/Securtech conference in New Orleans, Louisiana; and the 'Best Security Implementation' honor in the Advanced Card Awards ceremony held in London, England. At a time when governments around the globe are evaluating secure ID card programs, this dual recognition confirms the key role played by SchlumbergerSema in supporting the growing smart card-based ID card marketplace.

The SchlumbergerSema Cyberflex Access smart card is part of the company's range of highly secure, Java-based smart cards for physical and logical access, e-transactions on-line or through wireless mobile devices, and other applications. Since it developed the first Java-based smart card in 1996, SchlumbergerSema has sold over 100 million of its Java-based smart cards and has just been named world's leading provider of microprocessor smart cards by Gartner Dataquest. Government agencies, mobile communication operators, banks and financial institutions, universities, and many corporations successfully use the company's portfolio of smart card-based solutions all around the world for a large diversity of applications. The SchlumbergerSema smart card-based offering includes cards, readers, terminals, software, servers, application development services and tools, together with consulting, system integration, managed services and a wide variety of other related services

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'Outstanding Smart Card Application' New Orleans'Best Security Implementation' Advanced Card Awards London08:59:44 02/11/03 Tue

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