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Subject: Story time

Yem a la fiction
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Date Posted: Thursday, February 06, 02:34:35pm

There was this rabid Arachnid named Barry who had a grudge against mankind. His friends called him Ole Bar', but since he didn't have any friends, we'll call him Betty.

Now Betty was a little touchy when it came to discussing his personal problems and didn't like discussion groups. Why he joined one is still a matter of conjecture. Be as it may, he found himself in the middle of a "Love your neighbor" support group.

Ole Betty stood up on his three legs (he'd lost the rest in a bar bet when he gambled that Leonardo DiCaprio would win an Oscar for "Titanic.") and yelled, "I want blood!" All the love-nicks gathered around the spider and sensed his need to be comforted. They hugged him until all the stuffing was squeezed out of him.

Somewhere in a distant land man is quarreling over boundaries, religion and coupon clipping, but ole Barry/Betty isn't part of it...A lovenick took him home and stuck him in a stew...even the welldone have a secret side!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Story timetriciaThursday, February 06, 02:38:42pm
Re: Story timeBeckySaturday, February 08, 09:07:16am
  • Re: Story time -- Yem says hi to Becky!, Monday, February 10, 10:51:24am

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