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Subject: Re: okay...here's the story(s)

Shooty Says...
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 03:07:08pm
In reply to: Yem says... 's message, "Re: okay...here's the story(s)" on Tuesday, February 11, 03:47:26pm

It still makes me a little sad when I read all of your accounts of dealing with the sm and sms. I never dealt with them directly in a negative way (I was below their radar for some reason) but it's still sad that the people who seem to have the most interesting and entertaining minds (my honey included!:) are the ones who get their attack if they aren't "towing the party line."

Having said that, I will always be grateful to that site because I met Mayne there and other friends that I still keep in touch with (Horrormistress is right...there are "friends" that are real and friends that are fake). The connection between us all, ultimately, is not writing.com or stories.com for that matter..it's WRITING. And, usually, the same mentality and sensabilities.

I wonder if either of them really care about writing? It seems like they are more interested in their popularity contests than anything else..

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Re: okay...here's the story(s)YemThursday, February 13, 09:28:02am

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