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Subject: Re: The little train that couldn't

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 09:33:26am
In reply to: Miss Cellanea 's message, "Re: The little train that couldn't" on Sunday, February 16, 09:24:23am

Oprah? I need to write a short tale about Oprah, so here goes:

Oprah, the megolomaniac millionaire (aren't they all) woke up one morning to find a giant rabbit in her bed. She thought about screaming, but that was unseemingly for a star of her magnitude so instead she chopped off his hind foot (he only had one since he's just come from the "Chop-off-your-hind foot" competition where he'd place 2nd behind a centipede who'd gone nuts and became completely dis-ambulatory[I know, it isn't a real word] in seconds) and wore the hind digit of the poor creature as a good luck charm. Oprah sported the foot where ever she went and became known as "Lucky Oprah" which we all know is redundant but stars can't get enough platitudes and it worked for the daytime queen.

All went well until the foot sprouted a new rabbit that gnawed off Oprah's head and wore the trunkated noggin around its neck. Many believed that it was a propitious ending and that Oprah had never looked better.

The end.

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