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Subject: Updates

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 10:17:56am

Lets see: Shooty has an article in a magazine, "Fitness management." She's heading back to school shortly. She's doing well in her work as a business consultant. She's on about page 50 of a novel that she is writing. It's working title is "Amnesia." I'm quite proud of her. I'm heading to accountant/bookkeeping school this August (while trying to work as much as possible and still find sleep.) I have dozens of odd and not so odd stories in my head but am to busy/lazy to write them out. Hey, my birthday was the 17th of July, yay me. Kismet is alive and kicking (and biting.) Lulu is as fiesty as ever. She's a great kid. What else? I had a pan pizza last night with ham, pineapple and ranch dressing...yep, you guessed it...not much else. I miss Moxie. Planning on a visit to Maine in late September. Got to show Shoots what a great place it is to live in(an evil plan that I'm hatching.) Yes, I ended that sentence in a preposition...Anyone ever heard of Gottfried Keller? "! Village Romeo and Juliet?" That is your quest for today...go look him up in Google? Why? Because I think you're bored. :D

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