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Subject: NEW STORY!!!

Yem, fiction king
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Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 09:33:42am

Ok, as you may remember I used to post these in my sigs but since I don't have that ability...here goes nothing (and trust me it is bothing)...

Once there was this woman, lets call her Shouty (the usual disclaimers about this name having no resemblence to persons living or dead applies here,) well this woman hated to freeze food. Her friend, oh lets just call him Yamuhsea (once again, it is based on no one) was an intelligent economizer and knew how to save money and thus liked to freeze food. Now Shooty, (oops I mean "Shouty"--just a slip there--it means nothing) thought she knew best and left a big batch of delicious Archway cookies out--refusing to do the sensible thing and freeze them. To make a short story even shorter (and we all want that!) Mr Archway got wind of this faux pas and got red in the face and died of an apoplectic fit...Shooty, I mean Shouty had inadvertently killed him! So there you have it...always do as Yemassee, I mean Yamuhsea says...his ideas don't kill people.

The End

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Re: NEW STORY!!!Shouty respondsFriday, January 24, 11:30:21am

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