Miss Jenn
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Date Posted: 07:33:46 07/03/03 Thu

Golden Award of Excellence
Having been selected out of past Cayman
title-holders, Racquel stood head and shoulders above the rest; she has
recruited more people, helped more parents with forms and dress code,
assisted with writing more bios and helped with coaching than anyone
else. She is always willing to assist even before being asked, and of
course she has a smile to that will dazzle your heart and brighten
anyones day.
She always looks out for her OLM family, she is
active in the Business Club, The Young Caymanian newspaper, Missions
Trips and many other community service activites. Racquel also has the
most awards of any Cayman OLM girl, ranging from Cayman's
Mother/Daughter to World's Sweepstakes winner, Cayman's Personality Plus
to World's Universal Beauty 2nd Atlernate!
Racquel will be at World this summer, not only
vying for the 2003 World's Golden Award of Excellence title, but as
encourager and cheerleader for the Cayman delegates!
Racquel has blossomed into the true meaning of what
the spirit of Our Little Miss is, and you make us all proud to call you
our 'Golden Girl'
Since being crowned, she has been actively raising
money from local companies for '540,000 Pennies of Hope', I was shocked
when I was told, but then again, her genersoity always continues to
surprise me. She has assisted the Cancer Society with 'World No Tobacco
Day', and helped out along with other OLM Queens with the celebration
called "International Festival." With all that going on she
still has time for dinners with her mom, and is always checking other
OLM boards to drop lines of encouragement and support!! You are the BEST

We Love you,
Miss Jenn, Arleny, Rashana, Kimberly, Jamesette, Nikita, Sabine and all
you Cayman OLM family
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