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Date Posted: 09:25:56 01/15/08 Tue
Author: SHE DID IT


New Delegates added today, Picture’s posted. Welcome Internatl. Miss North America Tourism, International Miss Mexico Tourism, International Miss Philippines Tourism, America’s Miss West Virginia Tourism and America’s Tiny Miss West Virginia Tourism.

Welcome new delegates, see site for pics.

It is 9 months away, Girls from all across America and the World will vie for the International and National titles in, International/America's Miss Tourism National Pageant. And You could too!! Yes you. No previous experience needed. All girls who enter that we accept as delegates will receive our custom crown and sash. Isn't it time you gave International / America's Miss Tourism a try for your next Pageant. We do not accept everyone…You must submit the online form and a photo of your head and shoulders. Acceptance is based on your online application and head shot. We have turned down several girls this year already.

If you are ELITE, if you are KIND, if you are outgoing, if you are looking for a year of wonderful memories this pageant would be a good fit for you.

Don’t delay get it in now!!!.

Hurry, get the title you want. Pageant is November 15 and 16, of 2008. Get ready to be a celeb. We send you a one of a kind custom copy-written crown so no other pageant can use it, your title sash, a press release, a sponsor letter a handbook to get you ready. But, enter today, and begin your reign now!!!!! Visit our site today!!!! What are you waiting for. Waiting could mean someone else, will become the title you want to become.

Payment arrangements accepted. To Receive your International, State or region title, your custom embroidered satin sash, entry paid to become International/America's Miss Tourism, for your age group, in International/America's Miss Tourism National Pageant November 2008, entry paid to become Miss Photogenic at nationals, entry paid for Miss Congeniality at nationals and the best prize package offered yet at this pageant. All of this for a total… no hidden costs, no gouging once you get to nationals, for $400.00 ($25.00 app/reg fee, entry fee $375.00) and payments may be made. No more delays, enter today and reign all year!!!!!

All ENTRANTS receive a beautiful CROWN and SASH, a year to reign and make appearances and the opportunity with your paid entry fee to compete for a National title in one of the most fun pageants ever!!!!

Girls don’t wait… this opportunity is not going to last forever. If you want to represent your state, you need to enter now before another applies for the title you want. If you want an opportunity to become what you have always wanted here it is. Check it out!! But, don’t delay enter today!!!!

A year to be your state delegate, wear your state crown and sash on appearances and then One Live Pageant to choose our next National queens. Don’t delay come with us this year and Be A Tourism Girl!!!!! !!!!

“International Glamour Girl™©” Photo Pageant.

Girls enter your most Glamorous photo. These can be snap shots or pro shots even re-touched. You just might win $175.00 off your fees to compete at the Tourism International/National Finals in November 2008. $15.00 first photo, $7.00 each additional photo.


America's Miss Tourism

Your name:

Your Address:

Your City:

Your State:

Your Zip Code:

Your age as of November 14, 2008:


Your Phone #:

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