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Subject: hel(l)p me?

anthony mays
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Date Posted: 05:16:04 05/23/03 Fri

I 've been having some problems swallowing the pills (sermons and teachings) the pastor has been throwing out there. I asked him some questions on subjects that are going on in the churh that didn't line up with the bible or even what he was preaching.Well, he got mad and told me my heart wasn't right with God and hasn't been for a long time.I kind of got mad ,vut didn't know what to say. That was the beginning of my search for tru joy in Christ.
That statement he made to me wasn't very helpful for my walk with God, if my heart wasn't right. I repent from bitterness and fogive those who sin against me as often as i remember to.
But now that I'm not mad anymore ,it opened my eyes to the weirdness thats really going on.I mean i believe that there are saved people going to church,and that you should tithe,and serve God .But why should I be cut to size almost every service in order to do so? THATS THE REASON I CAME TO JESUS! I need help (Godly instruction and sound doctrine) ,not ridicule and shame.Thats the same thing the world and the devil has done to me all my life.
So now what? I'm slowley convinceing myself and my wife we must seek God's will elsewhere before it's to late.

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Re: hel(l)p me?Devil's Advocate21:31:11 06/08/03 Sun

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